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The Winter Bird von Kate Banks
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The Winter Bird (2022. Auflage)

von Kate Banks (Autor)

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1811,224,141 (3.75)Keine
"Forest animals help an injured nightingale survive the winter in a comforting story of friendship and resilience, lyrically told and gorgeously illustrated. As the days grow shorter and the air becomes colder, the spring birds fly south for winter--all except for a nightingale with a broken wing. Unable to fly, the nightingale worries about how to prepare for weather it's never had to experience before. Luckily, the forest animals who are used to frosty conditions help the nightingale navigate the cold as its wing heals. Though the unfamiliar season proves challenging, and even a little scary at times, the nightingale discovers there's beauty to be found in even the harshest weather--and with that comes newfound gratitude for the return of spring. Kate Banks weaves a story of perseverance and kindness, brought beautifully to life by Suzie Mason's stunning artwork."--… (mehr)
Titel:The Winter Bird
Autoren:Kate Banks (Autor)
Info:Candlewick (2022), 32 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek
Tags:children, picture book, winter, medium word count, animals, seasons, science


The Winter Bird von Kate Banks

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A gentle story that teaches animal strategies for surviving the winter.
  sloth852 | Feb 12, 2024 |
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"Forest animals help an injured nightingale survive the winter in a comforting story of friendship and resilience, lyrically told and gorgeously illustrated. As the days grow shorter and the air becomes colder, the spring birds fly south for winter--all except for a nightingale with a broken wing. Unable to fly, the nightingale worries about how to prepare for weather it's never had to experience before. Luckily, the forest animals who are used to frosty conditions help the nightingale navigate the cold as its wing heals. Though the unfamiliar season proves challenging, and even a little scary at times, the nightingale discovers there's beauty to be found in even the harshest weather--and with that comes newfound gratitude for the return of spring. Kate Banks weaves a story of perseverance and kindness, brought beautifully to life by Suzie Mason's stunning artwork."--

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