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Wretched (Never After Series) von Emily…
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Wretched (Never After Series) (2022. Auflage)

von Emily McIntire (Autor)

Reihen: Never After (3)

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995421,885 (3.78)Keine
Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

Once Upon A Time, there was a wicked girl. She lost everything that mattered, causing darkness to unfurl. Impulsive and intelligent, she helped her family name grow strong. But then one day a man without a heart came along. An undercover agent, meant to spy and bring back tips. Following down her hidden path of faded yellow bricks. She hated him, he wanted her; she was too good to be true. But a woman can be great.. and terrible too.

Wretched is a dark, contemporary romance (not fantasy or a retelling) and the third complete standalone in The Never After Series: a collection of fractured fairy tales inspired by our favorite villains. It features mature themes and content that may not be suitable for all readers. Listener discretion is advised.

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Titel:Wretched (Never After Series)
Autoren:Emily McIntire (Autor)
Info:Bloom Books (2022), 306 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Wretched von Emily McIntire

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I absolutely love Hooked and Scarred in this Never After Series unfortunately I cannot say the same for Wretched. All three are slow-burn however where Hooked and Scarred went from slow to gripping me in and then having me full on obsessed with the Characters Wretched left me feeling the opposite.
This is a reimagined of The Wizard of Oz but unlike the other two I did not connect to any of the characters to the Wizard of Oz and that can be a good thing for some people, but I was just bored, let me just get into the story and explain.
In the Westerly family Evelina Westerly is the brains, cold killer and Botanist in her family’s drug empire, she is the one her father calls upon to take care of everything from producing the product to handling when those are stealing from them at all cost, for the most part she is beautiful and badass so who doesn’t love this I mean to be fair I did love her role for the most part, that is about all I liked in this book.
Nicholas Woodsworth is a DEA agent undercover, seducer, and cold hearted except when it comes to his sister.

⚠️⚠️Possible Spoilers so read at your own discretion⚠️⚠️
The whole plot is Nicholas getting undercover so he can take down this family but in turn he gets more than he bargains for. He falls for Eveline, which is predictable but come on, this man has this traumatic back story or chip on his shoulder for what drugs has done to him and his family and he goes from being dead set to take them down to being head over heals for the supposed biggest villain in the book. I say supposed because despite what I stated above she is not the main villain at least not what I consider to be a bad guy. Which brings me to the other villains – Dorothy, Evelina’s sister – a bratty, prissy, shallow character that really has no character development in this story except for being an annoying pain in my rear and their father that for the life of me I can’t even remember his name right now and I legit finish reading it 5 minutes ago. Goes to show how much I just did not connect or get involved with this book.
The story just overall fell flat for me, it was not for me at all. There is also a scene which gave me the major icks and I am not even a sensitive person or easily offended but that scene just grossed me out so bad. It was a spicy scene involving Nick, Eveline, and a gun and that is all I will say.

If you enjoy spice sure you will like this book, but it just seemed to be forced not flow naturally to me. I cannot stand the characters except for Eveline, I like her just a tad but everyone else was boring, predictable and 2 dimensional.
This was just a huge miss for me, Sorry. But still read the first two books in the series, they are freaking awesome. (honestly, they can be read as standalone) ( )
  Enid007 | Jul 6, 2024 |
I love a strong female lead and this didn't disappoint!! I do think I enjoyed this one a little more then Twisted. ( )
  booked.and.listening | Jun 8, 2024 |
I love a strong female character and Evelina is a Boss.

I listened to this one versus reading a physical copy and I did not notice if any words were used repetitively. The characters had good chemistry and the spicy scenes were spicy.

( )
  wallace2012 | Nov 4, 2023 |
This is a KU book loosely using The Wizard of Oz for its characters and some plot devices; this IS NOT a retelling.

There is an undercover cop, a drug cartel leader and his daughters, drugs, patricide [killing of a father], and sororicide [killing of a sister].

On the spice scale: 2 chili peppers, maybe. There's a pretty wicked scene involving a gun and poetry...

This is a pretty basic undercover cop falls for bad guy story - and while the author says that the bad guys are really bad, in the end, the main bad girl is redeemed and there's a HEA.

This is the third in this series/trilogy/whatever. I don't think I'll continue if there are more, they aren't really interesting and the plots are lacking in something that I can't put my finger on.

**All thoughts and opinions are my own. Read using my personal KU subscription.** ( )
  The_Literary_Jedi | Jun 28, 2022 |
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Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. Suspense. HTML:

Once Upon A Time, there was a wicked girl. She lost everything that mattered, causing darkness to unfurl. Impulsive and intelligent, she helped her family name grow strong. But then one day a man without a heart came along. An undercover agent, meant to spy and bring back tips. Following down her hidden path of faded yellow bricks. She hated him, he wanted her; she was too good to be true. But a woman can be great.. and terrible too.

Wretched is a dark, contemporary romance (not fantasy or a retelling) and the third complete standalone in The Never After Series: a collection of fractured fairy tales inspired by our favorite villains. It features mature themes and content that may not be suitable for all readers. Listener discretion is advised.


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