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Inside: Perron Manor (Haunted)

von Lee Mountford

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This was a spooky and creepy story by author, Lee Mountford!

A little backstory:

Perron Manor located in Northern England has been around for centuries and ever since it has been built the manor has taken the lives of people that have lived in it. The manor has been other things besides just "a manor" but that doesn't make it all that less scary as when people move in or even stay the night, things happen that will make the people either run screaming into the night or they might just disappear altogether and may never be heard from again.

This is an awesome story and one that I became entrenched in quickly from the first chapter. I am not going into too much detail about the book because of spoilers as you will just have to read the book to gain the essence of the story. It is told from a paranormal investigator's view as to how the manor became haunted from the time it was built to recent history. I love how author, Lee Mountford weaved the story as he wrote it in a way that makes it seem the story could be told like the true paranormal books out there.

Reading the story from the paranormal investigator's view reminds me of those true haunting books and as I became engrossed in the story I would sometimes forget that this was a work of fiction as that is how close to the real thing it almost seems.

This book is a prelude to a book series that the author has coming out soon as this book sets up the rest of the series. I will be looking forward to reading the other books in this series to continue on with the hauntings of Perron Manor and what is in store for its next victims. Giving this book five
"Haunted Horror" stars.

For more thoughts on this review, please see my blog: ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 25, 2022 |
This was a spooky and creepy story by author, Lee Mountford!

A little backstory:

Perron Manor located in Northern England has been around for centuries and ever since it has been built the manor has taken the lives of people that have lived in it. The manor has been other things besides just "a manor" but that doesn't make it all that less scary as when people move in or even stay the night, things happen that will make the people either run screaming into the night or they might just disappear altogether and may never be heard from again.

This is an awesome story and one that I became entrenched in quickly from the first chapter. I am not going into too much detail about the book because of spoilers as you will just have to read the book to gain the essence of the story. It is told from a paranormal investigator's view as to how the manor became haunted from the time it was built to recent history. I love how author, Lee Mountford weaved the story as he wrote it in a way that makes it seem the story could be told like the true paranormal books out there.

Reading the story from the paranormal investigator's view reminds me of those true haunting books and as I became engrossed in the story I would sometimes forget that this was a work of fiction as that is how close to the real thing it almost seems.

This book is a prelude to a book series that the author has coming out soon as this book sets up the rest of the series. I will be looking forward to reading the other books in this series to continue on with the hauntings of Perron Manor and what is in store for its next victims. Giving this book five "Haunted Horror" stars. ( )
  BookNookRetreat7 | Jul 22, 2022 |
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