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Rise of the School for Good and Evil von…
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Rise of the School for Good and Evil (2022. Auflage)

von Soman Chainani (Autor)

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1802156,823 (3.75)Keine
The battle between Good and Evil begins. Two brothers. One Good. One Evil. Together they watch over the Endless Woods. Together they choose the students for the School for Good and Evil. Together they train them, teach them, prepare them for their fate. Then, something happens. Something unexpected. Something powerful. Something that will change everything and everyone. Who will survive? Who will rule the School? The journey starts here. Every step is filled with magic, surprises, and daring deeds that test courage, loyalty, and who you really are. But they only lead you to the very beginning of the adventures that are THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL.… (mehr)
Titel:Rise of the School for Good and Evil
Autoren:Soman Chainani (Autor)
Info:HarperCollins (2022), 368 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Rise of the School for Good and Evil von Soman Chainani

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I have been a fan of the school for good and evil since the first book was published. I was also curious about how everything had started, the storian and the school master.

This wasn't completely what I had hoped it would be. It tells us a story about how the school split into two and about things that progressed, but not completely quenching my curiosity about how.

It was still an enjoyable read. I personally hate 'short stories', but this was divided into chapters into their own chapters. The twins are in constant battle even with the big reveal I was a bit bored with the consep.

I find Rhian so irritating that I wanted to hit him with a boulder and scream wake up. Rafael, I liked even though he wanted to prove himself.

Onward to book 2 . . . ( )
  Aya666 | May 16, 2024 |
We all have two sides. Even the best of us. I confess that I do the good thing on occasion. So why is Good so afraid to admit they can be evil?

This was a really interesting book. I feel like I can think about this for ages.

I really liked the main series for playing with assumptions about good and evil and what they mean.
This one goes just a bit further in expanding that. True love in the main series was very focused on romance even though the characters were 13. Here, true love also applies to friends, family and community. (Side note, romantic true love is not defined as between boys and girls either)
One of the characters sees a future for himself with a guy he is not in love with because if they are close friends their love is still true. It especially applies to the two school masters. Evil can never have true love, yet the evil schoolmaster clearly loves his brother. If the Good school masters does questionable things for a good cause, is he still Good?

In the main books, I didn’t like how blond hair was likened to goodness while darker features were connected to evil. This book makes a point to emphasize that good and evil are not inherent, like I thought in the main series, but decided by a persons actions.

The main downside was that the story of the school masters is told through various other characters, like Aladdin, Marialena and Vulcan. It made the pacing feel kinda off. Sometimes the book felt like multiple stories connected into one book rather than one story about two brothers.
The result is a mosaic of characters and stories dancing around the morality of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’. Neither of the brothers is truly good or evil, and the characters aren’t either.

(I really want to know what made the evil school master go from a bitter and sometimes spiteful young man who loves his brother to the creepy figure lurking in shadows and kissing twelve year old girls from book 1)

(I also wonder what age these two are supposed to be? They're immortals stuck into teenage bodies, both extremely powerful and old and simultaneously having crushes on their teenage/twenty-something colleagues?) ( )
  MYvos | Apr 25, 2023 |
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Soman ChainaniHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Ryan, AmyJacket designCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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If not for a boy named Aladdin, the School for Good and Evil might never have started kidnapping Readers like you.
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The battle between Good and Evil begins. Two brothers. One Good. One Evil. Together they watch over the Endless Woods. Together they choose the students for the School for Good and Evil. Together they train them, teach them, prepare them for their fate. Then, something happens. Something unexpected. Something powerful. Something that will change everything and everyone. Who will survive? Who will rule the School? The journey starts here. Every step is filled with magic, surprises, and daring deeds that test courage, loyalty, and who you really are. But they only lead you to the very beginning of the adventures that are THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD AND EVIL.

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