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A View From Black Mesa: The Changing Face of Archaeology

von George J. Gumerman

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Finally! A modern book in the field of Southwestern archaeology that can be read, understood and enjoyed by everyone. --Books of the Southwest "In clear and nontechnical language it provides readers with a synopsis of Anasazi prehistory and cultural ecology. ...Gumerman's work is especially useful for anyone seeking an `on-site' introduction to some of the basic techniques and research orientations of modern American archaeology. Highly recommended for students and general readers." --Choice "It should be read with thoughtful care by the `professional' archaeologist and ethnographer. And it will even more effectively serve the informed general reader, unconcerned with academic minutiae, through its fresh and direct exposition of the procedures, frustrations, and rewards of the calling." --The Kiva "An outstanding success....a readable book that is suitable for professional archaeologists and the general public as well." --North American Archaeologist "A readable book that is suitable for professional archaeologists and the general public." --North American Archaeologist… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonwendat, mitchellmuseum2, Westcomuseum, CEUM, Dale_Jacquette
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Finally! A modern book in the field of Southwestern archaeology that can be read, understood and enjoyed by everyone. --Books of the Southwest "In clear and nontechnical language it provides readers with a synopsis of Anasazi prehistory and cultural ecology. ...Gumerman's work is especially useful for anyone seeking an `on-site' introduction to some of the basic techniques and research orientations of modern American archaeology. Highly recommended for students and general readers." --Choice "It should be read with thoughtful care by the `professional' archaeologist and ethnographer. And it will even more effectively serve the informed general reader, unconcerned with academic minutiae, through its fresh and direct exposition of the procedures, frustrations, and rewards of the calling." --The Kiva "An outstanding success....a readable book that is suitable for professional archaeologists and the general public as well." --North American Archaeologist "A readable book that is suitable for professional archaeologists and the general public." --North American Archaeologist

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