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Future Philanthropy: The Tech, Trends & Talent Defining New Civic Leadership


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CHALLENGE THE SYSTEMS QUOPhilanthropy is stuck. As societal issues constantly evolve, philanthropic systems have been slow to match, leaving our communities' needs sorely unmet. But what would happen if philanthropy became a progressive industry, rather than a sluggish and reactionary one? InFuture Philanthropy, Ryan Ginard calls on his years of experience as a civic connector and fundraiser to anticipate incoming philanthropic trends and lay the groundwork for their adoption.Future Philanthropy provides insights into what the new toolbox for courageous social sector leaders will look like over the next decade and beyond. You'll learn how to develop the right team, capitalize on current trends, create change in reimagined institutions, and disrupt our outdated philanthropic systems. Inside, Ginard puts the spotlight on fourteen leaders across various industries who are already finding success implementing the tools outlined in this book, offering up inspiration for your own strategic planning.No matter which side of the giving tree you're on, Future Philanthropy has something for leaders at all levels in government, higher education, nonprofits and NGOs, grassroots activism, philanthropy organizations, and more. The innovative principles outlined in this book will leave you prepared to use philanthropy to its full potential, ready to create the momentum required to adapt to society's ever-changing needs.… (mehr)
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CHALLENGE THE SYSTEMS QUOPhilanthropy is stuck. As societal issues constantly evolve, philanthropic systems have been slow to match, leaving our communities' needs sorely unmet. But what would happen if philanthropy became a progressive industry, rather than a sluggish and reactionary one? InFuture Philanthropy, Ryan Ginard calls on his years of experience as a civic connector and fundraiser to anticipate incoming philanthropic trends and lay the groundwork for their adoption.Future Philanthropy provides insights into what the new toolbox for courageous social sector leaders will look like over the next decade and beyond. You'll learn how to develop the right team, capitalize on current trends, create change in reimagined institutions, and disrupt our outdated philanthropic systems. Inside, Ginard puts the spotlight on fourteen leaders across various industries who are already finding success implementing the tools outlined in this book, offering up inspiration for your own strategic planning.No matter which side of the giving tree you're on, Future Philanthropy has something for leaders at all levels in government, higher education, nonprofits and NGOs, grassroots activism, philanthropy organizations, and more. The innovative principles outlined in this book will leave you prepared to use philanthropy to its full potential, ready to create the momentum required to adapt to society's ever-changing needs.

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