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A Thousand Heartbeats von Kiera Cass
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A Thousand Heartbeats (2022. Auflage)

von Kiera Cass (Autor)

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317785,586 (3.71)1
Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Selection series Kiera Cass is back with her most epic novel yeta sweeping enemies-to-lovers standalone romance.

"Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time."

Princess Annika has lived a life of comfortbut no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn't her own to control. The king, once her loving father, has gone cold, and Annika will soon be forced into a loveless marriage for political gain.

Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. He has devoted his life to the Dahrainian army, hoping to one day help them reclaim the throne that was stolen from them. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distractionnothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people.

But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can't possibly be togetherbut the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won't let them stay apart.

Kiera Cass brings her signature sparkling romance to this beautiful story of star-crossed lovers and long-held secrets.

… (mehr)
Titel:A Thousand Heartbeats
Autoren:Kiera Cass (Autor)
Info:HarperTeen (2022), 576 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Book of the Month


A Thousand Heartbeats von Kiera Cass

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A Thousand Heartbeats was just the best! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 5 stars!

It reminded me of Cass's OG series, The
Selection. Clean romance, great world-building and fantastic character development that effortlessly captivates its readers. ❤️

The story revolves around Princess Annika, who confronts an unimaginable challenge when she meets Lennox, the man responsible for the unthinkable (can’t give this away). Lennox, driven by a quest to reclaim a kingdom he believes was unjustly taken from him, discovers an unexpected connection with Annika that shifts his motives in ways he could have never imagined.

The dynamic between Annika and Lennox is so great and complex as they navigate the turbulent waters of love and loyalty.

Although the plot may be a bit predictable, I didn’t mind it. I honestly think it added to the story’s charm (thank you Keira 🙌). The characters are endearing and their emotional journeys are depicted with sincerity.

It was is an absolute joy to read—that I never wanted it to end. I kinda can’t believe that it’s been sitting on my shelf for so long… Definitely should’ve picked this one up sooner—so good 😌!
Can we make this a movie, please!? 🫶🤞🫶🤞🫶 ( )
  Bookwoman0212 | Sep 6, 2024 |
Series Info/Source: This is a stand alone book. I got an eGalley of this book through NetGalley to review.

Thoughts: I ended up setting this aside about 20% of the way through. Previous to this I had read Cass's book "The Selection" and thought it was okay, I never read anymore of the series. I thought I would give her another shot since I enjoy fantasy adventure romance. This book was not okay.

This starts out super slow and you alternate between two POVs, a female (Annika) and a male one (Lennox). The writing style and the dialogue is super simple and immature. The story is very, very slow. The beginning felt like it was written for a young child and was just so simple it was awkward. I didn't like either of the characters whose POV we read from; they were both very whiny, one dimensional and immature.

I just had an intense dislike for this book and the writing style after the first couple chapters. I tried to stick it out but decided I have better things to do with my time.

My Summary (2/5): Overall this was not for me. I thought it was slow and poorly written. I am not sure what audience this is intended for since the language, characters, and plot were incredibly simple. I think I can say that I am done with reading Cass. I don't plan to pick up any of her future books. ( )
  krau0098 | Jun 13, 2023 |
So I'm long pass the target audience for this book BUT I'm a sucker for Keira Cass. She is always a go to for me with clean teen reads and this one was no exception.

Another review I noticed said once you got past the world building, they loved this book. I am very much the same way. It is why fantasy is hit and miss. If you spend too much time creating the setting, you're gonna lose me. I am always more of a character driven book type of girl.

I am happy to report that I liked BOTH Annika and Lennox. I wanted to know their backstories. When it was divulged that both had experienced physical and emotional abuse I felt even more for them. Sure, it was painfully obvious that it was going to be a haters to "lovers" (I say this because if physical relationship was ever consummated, we had no idea.) story. But I rooted for it. I wanted it.

It was also obvious that Lennox's family really were the true heirs to the Kingdom and that he and Annika would unite and marriage....and thus unite the kingdom. I mean, come on, it's Keira Cass. I actually am glad that the action transpired in one, longer book as opposed to a duology/trilogy. It meant for a stronger book as opposed to two weaker ones. BUT I also loved these characters. I wanted more with them.....

Fans of The Selection are going to be very disappointed this one is not a series. But I can still recommend it. And I always will. ( )
  msgabbythelibrarian | Jun 11, 2023 |
A Thousand Heartbeats is Kiera Cass’ latest novel and a rare standalone story. About a princess and a soldier on opposing sides, each would do everything possible to ensure they came out the victor, yet find themselves inexplicably drawn to one another. The synopsis calls this a story about star-crossed lovers, but that implies that there is no happy ending. In Ms. Cass’ world, there is nothing but happy endings, so I’m not sure the star-crossed lover descriptor applies here. Yes, Annika and Lennox are enemies, but it doesn’t stop the attraction. I thoroughly enjoyed their back-and-forth banter as well as their burgeoning feelings. A Thousand Heartbeats is a sweet romance with plenty of action and violence to please the darkest of hearts. I did not like that the answer to their problem is SO FREAKING OBVIOUS, but it takes them an entire novel to think of it. I get that the resolutions to YA novels tend to be obvious, but this was so blatant an answer that it frustrated me to no end and detracted from my overall enjoyment. ( )
  jmchshannon | Dec 24, 2022 |
Princess Annika has lived a life of comfort—but no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn’t her own to control. The king, once her loving father, has gone cold, and Annika will soon be forced into a loveless marriage for political gain.

Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. He has devoted his life to the Dahrainian army, hoping to one day help them reclaim the throne that was stolen from them. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distraction—nothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people.

But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can’t possibly be together—but the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won’t let them stay apart. ( )
  rachelprice14 | Dec 19, 2022 |
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Romance. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:

#1 New York Times bestselling author of The Selection series Kiera Cass is back with her most epic novel yeta sweeping enemies-to-lovers standalone romance.

"Love has a sound. It sounds like a thousand heartbeats happening at the same time."

Princess Annika has lived a life of comfortbut no amount of luxuries can change the fact that her life isn't her own to control. The king, once her loving father, has gone cold, and Annika will soon be forced into a loveless marriage for political gain.

Miles away, small comforts are few and far between for Lennox. He has devoted his life to the Dahrainian army, hoping to one day help them reclaim the throne that was stolen from them. For Lennox, the idea of love is merely a distractionnothing will stand in the way of fighting for his people.

But when love, against all odds, finds them both, they are bound by its call. They can't possibly be togetherbut the irresistible thrum of a thousand heartbeats won't let them stay apart.

Kiera Cass brings her signature sparkling romance to this beautiful story of star-crossed lovers and long-held secrets.


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