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The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man: A…
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The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man: A Memoir (2022. Auflage)

von Paul Newman (Autor)

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2901594,410 (3.97)23
Biography & Autobiography. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:The raw, candid, unvarnished memoir of an American icon. The greatest movie star of the past 75 years covers everything: his traumatic childhood, his career, his drinking, his thoughts on Marlon Brando, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, John Huston, his greatest roles, acting, his intimate life with Joanne Woodward, his innermost fears and passions and joys. With thoughts/comments throughout from Joanne Woodward, George Roy Hill, Tom Cruise, Elia Kazan and many others.
In 1986, Paul Newman and his closest friend, screenwriter Stewart Stern, began an extraordinary project. Stuart was to compile an oral history, to have Newman’s family and friends and those who worked closely with him, talk about the actor’s life. And then Newman would work with Stewart and give his side of the story. The only stipulation was that anyone who spoke on the record had to be completely honest. That same stipulation applied to Newman himself. The project lasted five years.
The result is an extraordinary memoir, culled from thousands of pages of transcripts. The book is insightful, revealing, surprising. Newman’s voice is powerful, sometimes funny, sometimes painful, always meeting that high standard of searing honesty. The additional voices—from childhood friends and Navy buddies, from family members and film and theater collaborators such as Tom Cruise, George Roy Hill, Martin Ritt, and John Huston—that run throughout add richness and color and context to the story Newman is telling.
Newman’s often traumatic childhood is brilliantly detailed. He talks about his teenage insecurities, his early failures with women, his rise to stardom, his early rivals (Marlon Brando and James Dean), his first marriage, his drinking, his philanthropy, the death of his son Scott, his strong desire for his daughters to know and understand the truth about their father. Perhaps the most moving material in the book centers around his relationship with Joanne Woodward—their love for each other, his dependence on her, the way she shaped him intellectually, emotionally and sexually.
The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man is revelatory and introspective, personal and analytical, loving and tender in some places, always complex and profound.
*Includes a downloadable PDF of all the photographs from the printed book.
… (mehr)
Titel:The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man: A Memoir
Autoren:Paul Newman (Autor)
Info:Knopf (2022), 320 pages
Sammlungen:eBooks, Deine Bibliothek


The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man: A Memoir von Paul Newman

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My review of this book can be found on my YouTube Vlog at:

Enjoy! ( )
  booklover3258 | Aug 6, 2024 |
Really great memoir. You can hear Newman reading it. And the interviews with friends, acquaintances, and co-workers are all great reading. Nothing extraneous. I guess one always wishes, whether biography or autobiography, that the author would go deeper into certain territory. I wish Paul had spent more time on the Actors' Studio, and more opinions on actors and movies. Both co-workers and influences. I also wish he had talked a little more about the development of Newman's Own and how his daughter expanded the company. The book discusses Cars--not sure if that's in Newman's words, but no mention of Hudsucker Proxy, which I have always thought was one of the most underrated Coen films. (Jennifer Jason Leigh does a great fast-talking reporter a la Rosalind Russell in His Girl Friday and Barbara Stanwyck in Meet John Doe. The film is an obvious Capra tribute.) ( )
  spencerrich | Jul 30, 2024 |
Really great memoir. You can hear Newman reading it. And the interviews with friends, acquaintances, and co-workers are all great reading. Nothing extraneous. I guess one always wishes, whether biography or autobiography, that the author would go deeper into certain territory. I wish Paul had spent more time on the Actors' Studio, and more opinions on actors and movies. Both co-workers and influences. I also wish he had talked a little more about the development of Newman's Own and how his daughter expanded the company. The book discusses Cars--not sure if that's in Newman's words, but no mention of Hudsucker Proxy, which I have always thought was one of the most underrated Coen films. (Jennifer Jason Leigh does a great fast-talking reporter a la Rosalind Russell in His Girl Friday and Barbara Stanwyck in Meet John Doe. The film is an obvious Capra tribute.) ( )
  spencerrich | Jul 30, 2024 |
Interesting to hear such a revered man's low opinion of himself. I enjoyed seeing behind the scenes. This was special in that it heard from many of the people in his life as well as Paul Newman himself. How poorly we see ourselves. Well narrated. I really flew through it. ( )
  njcur | Jul 25, 2024 |
Note: I received this book from Good Reads in return for a review.

This memoir is from a series of conversations made when Newman was alive. It is peppered throughout with stories, asides and observations from friends and family, including many other stars, directors and producers. It also contains a good many photographs of him, his family, friends and coworkers. It presents the picture of a very likeable and somewhat humble man, who tried to make himself a better human being through his life. I found the book fascinating and difficult to put down. I'd recommend it highly. ( )
  SteveCarl | Jun 24, 2024 |
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Paul NewmanHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Newman Soderlund, CleaNachwortCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Newman, MelissaVorwortCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Rosenthal, DavidHerausgeberCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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This book is dedicated to Stewart Henry Stern

March 22, 1922 - February 2, 2015
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Let's see if we can write a first chapter, then try that with a second chapter, then a third, then a fourth and a fifth . . . Let's see now: we've got that covered, we've got this covered - - we've got the attitude down, the creation, the drinking and all of the humor and whatever the morality is.
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Biography & Autobiography. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:The raw, candid, unvarnished memoir of an American icon. The greatest movie star of the past 75 years covers everything: his traumatic childhood, his career, his drinking, his thoughts on Marlon Brando, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, John Huston, his greatest roles, acting, his intimate life with Joanne Woodward, his innermost fears and passions and joys. With thoughts/comments throughout from Joanne Woodward, George Roy Hill, Tom Cruise, Elia Kazan and many others.
In 1986, Paul Newman and his closest friend, screenwriter Stewart Stern, began an extraordinary project. Stuart was to compile an oral history, to have Newman’s family and friends and those who worked closely with him, talk about the actor’s life. And then Newman would work with Stewart and give his side of the story. The only stipulation was that anyone who spoke on the record had to be completely honest. That same stipulation applied to Newman himself. The project lasted five years.
The result is an extraordinary memoir, culled from thousands of pages of transcripts. The book is insightful, revealing, surprising. Newman’s voice is powerful, sometimes funny, sometimes painful, always meeting that high standard of searing honesty. The additional voices—from childhood friends and Navy buddies, from family members and film and theater collaborators such as Tom Cruise, George Roy Hill, Martin Ritt, and John Huston—that run throughout add richness and color and context to the story Newman is telling.
Newman’s often traumatic childhood is brilliantly detailed. He talks about his teenage insecurities, his early failures with women, his rise to stardom, his early rivals (Marlon Brando and James Dean), his first marriage, his drinking, his philanthropy, the death of his son Scott, his strong desire for his daughters to know and understand the truth about their father. Perhaps the most moving material in the book centers around his relationship with Joanne Woodward—their love for each other, his dependence on her, the way she shaped him intellectually, emotionally and sexually.
The Extraordinary Life of an Ordinary Man is revelatory and introspective, personal and analytical, loving and tender in some places, always complex and profound.
*Includes a downloadable PDF of all the photographs from the printed book.

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