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The Sun and Its Shade (The Night and Its…
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The Sun and Its Shade (The Night and Its Moon, 2) (2023. Auflage)

von Piper CJ (Autor)

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"I love you... Nox's tear-filled words echo across the sand as she and Amaris are torn apart. They've battled fiercely to find each other again, and have barely reunited when Amaris is taken away by the queen's dragon. Injured and desperate, Amaris is forced to navigate her new surroundings with the help of Raascot's enigmatic general if she hopes to stay alive. At the same time, across the land and running out of options, Nox forms a partnership with the continent's league of peacekeeping assassins, begging their help to find Amaris and forge some stability between the kingdoms. As wounds heal and new relationships blossom, Nox and Amaris must confront impossible obstacles and stretch their magic to its limits if they are ever to create a world that might finally reunite them for good. The odds are narrow, the stakes are high, and one question remains: Is it fate, love, or something else entirely that binds these two women together?"--… (mehr)
Titel:The Sun and Its Shade (The Night and Its Moon, 2)
Autoren:Piper CJ (Autor)
Info:Bloom Books (2023), 544 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Sun and Its Shade von Piper CJ

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It has taken me a few days to digest all that happened in this book. I think I went through just about every emotion. I loved seeing the switch of character groups as they traveled across the world. Getting a chance to meet folks in new cities as well as getting a better understanding of the history of the world was absolutely fantastic. I really enjoy the different ways magic is explored and used by different characters.

This one was definitely spicier than the first! I found myself flying through the pages on the edge of my seat. There were new monsters, new armies, and countless new characters that I still can’t decide if I trust or not.

We spend most of the book with our two main characters at ages 17 & 21, which I often forget with how much they have both survived. The banter between characters helped me stay so immersed as they try to understand each other during the toughest of circumstances.

I am both not ready and overly excited to get my hands on the next book in this series! ( )
  Nlwilson607 | Jul 2, 2024 |
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"I love you... Nox's tear-filled words echo across the sand as she and Amaris are torn apart. They've battled fiercely to find each other again, and have barely reunited when Amaris is taken away by the queen's dragon. Injured and desperate, Amaris is forced to navigate her new surroundings with the help of Raascot's enigmatic general if she hopes to stay alive. At the same time, across the land and running out of options, Nox forms a partnership with the continent's league of peacekeeping assassins, begging their help to find Amaris and forge some stability between the kingdoms. As wounds heal and new relationships blossom, Nox and Amaris must confront impossible obstacles and stretch their magic to its limits if they are ever to create a world that might finally reunite them for good. The odds are narrow, the stakes are high, and one question remains: Is it fate, love, or something else entirely that binds these two women together?"--

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