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Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic…
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Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation (2023. Auflage)

von Camonghne Felix (Autor)

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902310,223 (3.4)3
"Dyscalculia is an exquisite and raw booklength essay that follows Camonghne Felix's journey to survey and reconfigure the pieces of a broken heart in order to rebuild one that is entirely her own. Felix uses her childhood "dyscalculia"-a disorder that makes it difficult to learn math-as a metaphor for the consequences of her miscalculations in intimacy. Dyscalculia negotiates the misalignments of perception and reality, love and harm, and the politics of heartbreak, both romantic and familial"--… (mehr)
Titel:Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation
Autoren:Camonghne Felix (Autor)
Info:One World (2023), 240 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation von Camonghne Felix

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Yeesh, incredibly brutal and beautiful. So hard for madness to be seductive, especially when you are in the thick of things. ( )
  adaorhell | Apr 19, 2024 |
It is her story, it is a hard one, I admire her honesty and her clear work, but this feels like entries from a series of prose poems in a lit mag at a very good high school. Wrong reader?? Only 2 hours on audio so worth checking if you have any interest at all. ( )
  Narshkite | Jul 30, 2023 |
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"Dyscalculia is an exquisite and raw booklength essay that follows Camonghne Felix's journey to survey and reconfigure the pieces of a broken heart in order to rebuild one that is entirely her own. Felix uses her childhood "dyscalculia"-a disorder that makes it difficult to learn math-as a metaphor for the consequences of her miscalculations in intimacy. Dyscalculia negotiates the misalignments of perception and reality, love and harm, and the politics of heartbreak, both romantic and familial"--

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