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The Wren in the Holly Library (Deluxe…
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The Wren in the Holly Library (Deluxe Limited Edition) (2024. Auflage)

von K. A. Linde (Autor)

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529347,969 (3.74)Keine
Some things aren't supposed to exist outside of our imagination.
Thirteen years ago, monsters emerged from the shadows and plunged Kierse's world into a cataclysmic war of near-total destruction. The New York City she knew so well collapsed practically overnight.
In the wake of that carnage, the Monster Treaty was created. A truce ... of sorts.
But tonight, Kiersea gifted and fearless thiefwill break that treaty.
She'll enter the Holly Library ... not knowing it's the home of a monster.
He's charming. Quietly alluring. Terrifying. But he knows talent when he sees it; it's just a matter of finding her price.
Now she's locked into a dangerous bargain with a creature unlike any other. She'll sacrifice her freedom. She'll offer her skills. Together, they'll put their own futures at risk.
But he's been playing a game across centuriesand once she joins in, there will be no escape ...
… (mehr)
Titel:The Wren in the Holly Library (Deluxe Limited Edition)
Autoren:K. A. Linde (Autor)
Info:Entangled: Red Tower Books (2024), 400 pages
Sammlungen:Noch zu lesen


The Wren in the Holly Library von K. A. Linde

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Skilled thief tries to steal from a bibliophile monster and gets more than she bargained for.
Urban fantasy Bi Beauty and the Beast but make it Celtic mythology with sex.
Main couple are very reminiscent of Feyra and Rhysand - with an identical “pretend to be my pet while wearing something skimpy” scene.
It’s not amazing literature but
I had a fun time. ( )
  spiritedstardust | Aug 20, 2024 |
This was a little tough for me to rate if I'm going to be honest, so I am going to keep it as simple as I can.

The Main Characters Wren/Kierse and Graves, I enjoyed their chemistry for the most part
World building and the intricate telling of the monsters, humans, and their folklore.
The romance/connection building between Kierse and Graves

The storyline was kind of all over the place for me, to be fair it got to a point that I had no clue what was going on, I got Beauty and the Beast vibes but there was so much drama with the main characters and their past (exes) drama that it tended to pull me from the story, I would get into the storyline then the author went a different direction and pulled me out the story. There is something here but it just ended falling flat for me. It saddens me because I feel like this could've been a really great book.

Another dislike the spice, Author's for the love of all bookworms, if you are going to write a spicy scene please make it make sense and flow easy with the story. The spice scene seemed forced like "hey I can include spice in my book too for all you spice readers" smh and it's not to say I don't have my share of love for smut books but let's stop forcing certain trends just because everyone else is.

I might check out the next book but when it is available in the library meaning I am in absolutely no rush to get to the next one.

I am so sorry because I really don't like giving bad reviews but this was just not a hit for me at all. ( )
  Enid007 | Jul 6, 2024 |
It took me a really long time to get into the book. About 100 pages or so. I felt like the character development was lacking and that the plot had a bunch of holes in it. But once it started to take off I couldn't put it down. My only dislike is that it had a child like feel to it with Vampires, Fae, Wovles, and all mythical creatures being called monsters. I feel like a much darker/adult type of name could have been given to that group because reading a book that says monster this, monster that, oh no is he a monster? sounds so child like. It made the book hard to take serious. But I did really enjoy it and cant wait for the next one to come out. I hope they fill in the missing plot holes of this one and make it a bit more for adults and I'm not referring to spice, just in the language that is used. I don't want to give away spoilers but certain events and actions need to be done in a more believable way as some of them came off as corny and unrealistic. The limited edition book its self is SO gorgeous. ( )
  cupcake10304 | Jun 14, 2024 |
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Some things aren't supposed to exist outside of our imagination.
Thirteen years ago, monsters emerged from the shadows and plunged Kierse's world into a cataclysmic war of near-total destruction. The New York City she knew so well collapsed practically overnight.
In the wake of that carnage, the Monster Treaty was created. A truce ... of sorts.
But tonight, Kiersea gifted and fearless thiefwill break that treaty.
She'll enter the Holly Library ... not knowing it's the home of a monster.
He's charming. Quietly alluring. Terrifying. But he knows talent when he sees it; it's just a matter of finding her price.
Now she's locked into a dangerous bargain with a creature unlike any other. She'll sacrifice her freedom. She'll offer her skills. Together, they'll put their own futures at risk.
But he's been playing a game across centuriesand once she joins in, there will be no escape ...

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