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US Army ADP 3-05 Special Operations: The American Way of Special Operations Warfighting: Current, Full-Size Edition - Giant 8.5" x 11" Format - ... ADP/ADRP Series (Carlile Military Library)

von U.S. Army

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THE AMERICAN WAY OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS WARFIGHTING Current edition ADP 3-05, big 8.5" x 11" format - large, clear text & illustrations. "Batteries last hours, books last decades. Get the print edition!" ADP 3-05, Special Operations, describes the role of United States Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) in the U.S. Army's operating concept to Shape operational environments in the countries and regions of consequence, Prevent conflict through the application of special operations and conventional deterrence, and when necessary help Win our nation's wars. It will outline ARSOF's requirement to provide in the nation's defense unequalled Surgical Strike and Special Warfare capabilities. Together these two different but mutually supporting forms of special operations comprise the American Way of Special Operations Warfighting. The relevance of Army Special Operations Forces has never been greater. They are the cornerstones to the Joint Forces fighting our nation's wars, maintaining alliances, building partner nation capacity, developing surrogate capabilities, or conducting unilateral special operations. The future will likely increase SOF's role at not only the tactical level but also at the operational level as the requirement for long-term SOF campaigns grows. So long as belligerent nations continue to employ nonconventional means against us and terrorist networks continue their efforts to strike our homeland and our interests abroad, ARSOF will remain an indispensable member of the joint and interagency team. Search for 'CARLILE MILITARY LIBRARY' to find more TOP-FLIGHT, SQUARED-AWAY publications for your professional bookshelf! Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA. Information purposes only.… (mehr)

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THE AMERICAN WAY OF SPECIAL OPERATIONS WARFIGHTING Current edition ADP 3-05, big 8.5" x 11" format - large, clear text & illustrations. "Batteries last hours, books last decades. Get the print edition!" ADP 3-05, Special Operations, describes the role of United States Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) in the U.S. Army's operating concept to Shape operational environments in the countries and regions of consequence, Prevent conflict through the application of special operations and conventional deterrence, and when necessary help Win our nation's wars. It will outline ARSOF's requirement to provide in the nation's defense unequalled Surgical Strike and Special Warfare capabilities. Together these two different but mutually supporting forms of special operations comprise the American Way of Special Operations Warfighting. The relevance of Army Special Operations Forces has never been greater. They are the cornerstones to the Joint Forces fighting our nation's wars, maintaining alliances, building partner nation capacity, developing surrogate capabilities, or conducting unilateral special operations. The future will likely increase SOF's role at not only the tactical level but also at the operational level as the requirement for long-term SOF campaigns grows. So long as belligerent nations continue to employ nonconventional means against us and terrorist networks continue their efforts to strike our homeland and our interests abroad, ARSOF will remain an indispensable member of the joint and interagency team. Search for 'CARLILE MILITARY LIBRARY' to find more TOP-FLIGHT, SQUARED-AWAY publications for your professional bookshelf! Proudly published in the U.S.A. by CARLILE MEDIA. Information purposes only.

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