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Promoting Spontaneous Use of Learning and Reasoning Strategies: Theory, Research, and Practice for Effective Transfer (Routledge Research in Achievement and Gifted Education)

von Emmanuel Manalo

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In this book, scholars from around the world develop viable answers to the question of how it may be possible to promote students' spontaneity in the use of learning and reasoning strategies. They combine their expertise to put forward new theories and models for understanding the underlying mechanisms; provide details of new research to address pertinent questions and problems; and describe classroom practices that have proven successful in promoting spontaneous strategy use. This book is a must for educators and researchers who truly care that schooling should cultivate learning and reasoning strategies in students that would prepare and serve them for life. A seminal resource, this book will address the basic problem that many educators are well acquainted with: that students can learn how to effectively use learning and reasoning strategies but not use them of their own volition or in settings other than the one in which they learned the strategies.… (mehr)

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In this book, scholars from around the world develop viable answers to the question of how it may be possible to promote students' spontaneity in the use of learning and reasoning strategies. They combine their expertise to put forward new theories and models for understanding the underlying mechanisms; provide details of new research to address pertinent questions and problems; and describe classroom practices that have proven successful in promoting spontaneous strategy use. This book is a must for educators and researchers who truly care that schooling should cultivate learning and reasoning strategies in students that would prepare and serve them for life. A seminal resource, this book will address the basic problem that many educators are well acquainted with: that students can learn how to effectively use learning and reasoning strategies but not use them of their own volition or in settings other than the one in which they learned the strategies.

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