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The Monocle Travel Guide to Paris (Updated Version)

von Monocle

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There's the food, the culture, the architecture, the art--Notre Dame and Montmartre and the Louvre--and then there's the side of Paris you've never seen, until now.Paris: the city of love, the city of light --the city everyone thinks they know from movies and books. But there's more to this vigorous new-old metropolis than Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Along its winding streets and hidden in picturesque views along the Seine, there's so much more to do and discover, to taste and see, than what you imagine.The Monocle team is your guide as you explore the nouvelle cuisine in the city's up and coming restaurants that are revitalizing classic dining. Step off the beaten path and into galleries showcasing works that will inspire future art world trends. Escape the crowds and the tourists in laid-back local bars and classy clubs. And then bundle up in designer goods from the best unknown boutiques as you stroll through history and romance. Paris is a wonderland. This is your ticket.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonBonnieCauble

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There's the food, the culture, the architecture, the art--Notre Dame and Montmartre and the Louvre--and then there's the side of Paris you've never seen, until now.Paris: the city of love, the city of light --the city everyone thinks they know from movies and books. But there's more to this vigorous new-old metropolis than Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower. Along its winding streets and hidden in picturesque views along the Seine, there's so much more to do and discover, to taste and see, than what you imagine.The Monocle team is your guide as you explore the nouvelle cuisine in the city's up and coming restaurants that are revitalizing classic dining. Step off the beaten path and into galleries showcasing works that will inspire future art world trends. Escape the crowds and the tourists in laid-back local bars and classy clubs. And then bundle up in designer goods from the best unknown boutiques as you stroll through history and romance. Paris is a wonderland. This is your ticket.

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