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Bewicched: The Sea Wicche Chronicles von…
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Bewicched: The Sea Wicche Chronicles (2023. Auflage)

von Seana Kelly (Autor)

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Bewicched: The Sea Wicche Chronicles: We here at The Sea Wicche cater to your art-collecting, muffin-eating, tea-drinking, and potion-peddling needs. Palmistry and Tarot sessions are available upon request and by appointment. Our store hours vary and rely completely on Arwyn-the owner-getting her butt out of bed. I'm Arwyn Cassandra Corey, the sea wicche, or the wicche who lives by the sea. It requires a lot more work than I'd anticipated to remodel an abandoned cannery and turn it into an art gallery & tea bar. It's coming along, though, especially with the help of a new werewolf who's joined the construction crew. He does beautiful work. His sexy, growly, bearded presence is very hard to ignore, but I'm trying. I'm not sure how such a laid-back guy got the local Alpha and his pack threatening to hunt him down and tear him apart, but we all have our secrets. And because I don't want to know his-or yours for that matter-I wear these gloves. Clairvoyance makes the simplest things the absolute worst. Trust me. Or don't. Totally up to you. Did I mention my mother and grandmother are pressuring me to assume my rightful place on the Corey Council? That's a kind of governing triad for our ancient magical family, one that has more than its fair share of black magic practitioners. And yes, before you ask, people have killed to be on the council-one psychotic sorceress aunt comes to mind-but I have no interest in the power or politics that come with the position. I'd rather stick to my art and, in the words of my favorite sea wicche, help poor unfortunate souls. (Good luck trying to get that song out of your head now.) "This story hits all the right beats for a paranormal romance, and the complicating factors make the prospect of future books enticing." ~Booklife Reviews EDITORS PICK, by Publisher's Weekly Content Warning: Bewicched: The Sea Wicche Chronicles is a contemporary fantasy novel with suspense elements about a clairvoyant witch who, among other things, helps detectives hunt a fledgling serial killer. While there are light, funny, romantic moments, there are also dark ones that may be disturbing for some readers. Warning for: death of/harm to a child, violence toward animals, visions that include graphic or explicit violence.… (mehr)
Titel:Bewicched: The Sea Wicche Chronicles
Autoren:Seana Kelly (Autor)
Info:NYLA (2023), 340 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Bewicched von Seana Kelly

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Bewicched: The Sea Wicche Chronicles: We here at The Sea Wicche cater to your art-collecting, muffin-eating, tea-drinking, and potion-peddling needs. Palmistry and Tarot sessions are available upon request and by appointment. Our store hours vary and rely completely on Arwyn-the owner-getting her butt out of bed. I'm Arwyn Cassandra Corey, the sea wicche, or the wicche who lives by the sea. It requires a lot more work than I'd anticipated to remodel an abandoned cannery and turn it into an art gallery & tea bar. It's coming along, though, especially with the help of a new werewolf who's joined the construction crew. He does beautiful work. His sexy, growly, bearded presence is very hard to ignore, but I'm trying. I'm not sure how such a laid-back guy got the local Alpha and his pack threatening to hunt him down and tear him apart, but we all have our secrets. And because I don't want to know his-or yours for that matter-I wear these gloves. Clairvoyance makes the simplest things the absolute worst. Trust me. Or don't. Totally up to you. Did I mention my mother and grandmother are pressuring me to assume my rightful place on the Corey Council? That's a kind of governing triad for our ancient magical family, one that has more than its fair share of black magic practitioners. And yes, before you ask, people have killed to be on the council-one psychotic sorceress aunt comes to mind-but I have no interest in the power or politics that come with the position. I'd rather stick to my art and, in the words of my favorite sea wicche, help poor unfortunate souls. (Good luck trying to get that song out of your head now.) "This story hits all the right beats for a paranormal romance, and the complicating factors make the prospect of future books enticing." ~Booklife Reviews EDITORS PICK, by Publisher's Weekly Content Warning: Bewicched: The Sea Wicche Chronicles is a contemporary fantasy novel with suspense elements about a clairvoyant witch who, among other things, helps detectives hunt a fledgling serial killer. While there are light, funny, romantic moments, there are also dark ones that may be disturbing for some readers. Warning for: death of/harm to a child, violence toward animals, visions that include graphic or explicit violence.

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