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Night at the Fair von Donald Crews
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Night at the Fair (1998. Auflage)

von Donald Crews (Autor), Donald Crews (Illustrator)

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17439162,426 (3.43)Keine
Nighttime is a wonderful time to enjoy the lights, the games, and the rides at a fair.
Titel:Night at the Fair
Autoren:Donald Crews (Autor)
Weitere Autoren:Donald Crews (Illustrator)
Info:Greenwillow Books (1998), Edition: 1st, 32 pages


Night at the Fair von Donald Crews

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Used in Storytime 8/2016 ( )
  klnbennett | Oct 7, 2020 |
I really wasn't impressed with this book. I really enjoyed the illustrations of the book, however, I didn't find the book entertaining. There wasn't many words, and the pictures didn't speak for it (unlike Shane Evans' books). I didn't really see a point to this story other than to see a fair, which a lot of kids have seen and been to. Crews didn't make the book interesting, and there was no real content to the book at all other than to narrate what they see at the fair. ( )
  ShannaYoung | Sep 5, 2019 |
This was a great picture book by author Donald Crews. I felt as if I was experiencing the delights of a night at the fair. There were crowds of people and so many things to do, see, and taste. I could almost smell the popcorn and hear the screams from the rides. ( )
  KRWallace | Aug 26, 2019 |
This book explains the different things you can do at the fair.
Ages 4-8
Pierce county library
  Miah124 | Jun 9, 2019 |
this book is for 3-6 years old. This book is about a young book and his point of view of his night at the fair. The pictures are great and simple words, and descriptions of the fair. would be great to read to students when their community is going to have a fair.

source- Pierce college library
  jocelynhillyer24 | May 21, 2019 |
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Nighttime is a wonderful time to enjoy the lights, the games, and the rides at a fair.

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