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Foods and Flavors from Nepal

von Jyoti Pathak

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Birthplaceof Buddha and home to stunning Himalayan peaks, Nepal is also known for itsunique cuisine and rich cultural traditions. Nepal is a landlocked country thathad little contact with the outside world for centuries, resulting in a uniqueculinary culture that was not influenced by other cuisines. After opening bordersin the 1950s, however, Nepal's cuisine evolved to take on influences from neighboringIndia, China and Tibet. Those influences, combined with Nepal's vast culturaland geographic diversity, result in a singular cuisine characterized by thesimplicity of fresh local ingredients that are artfully paired with herbs andspices. A Nepali staple is Daal-Bhaat-Tarkaari (lentil-rice-vegetable),found in many variations and flavors.  It includes boiled rice accompaniedby daal madefrom dried beans, lentils, or peas.  A variety of fresh vegetables and leafygreens round out the meal. The use of spices is mild and subtle, but mealsare often served with a side of spicy pickles. Meat, poultry, and fish areserved only occasionally, mostly during celebrations. Author Jyoti Pathak's first cookbook Tasteof Nepal won a Gourmand World Cookbook award for Best ForeignCuisine Cookbook and showcased the foods and recipes of her native Nepal to awider audience. This new cookbook brings the foods and flavors of Nepal alivewith color photographs throughout, notes about important Nepali customs,festivals and holidays, and a collection of 185 recipes that spans traditionalNepali fare to popular fusion dishes, street foods and the modern Nepali table.Also included are helpful chapters on Nepali ingredients, utensils and cookingtechniques and a glossary of Nepali-English words. Samplerecipes: Kukhura ko Chowelaa (Chicken Chowelaa) Jwaano-Bhaat (Ajowan Rice) Maas ko Khichari  (Split Urad Bean-Rice Khichari) Panchamukhi Daal (MixedFive Daal) Tinkune-roti (Flaky Roti Bread) Sitle Khaeko Raayo so Saag (Spiced Mustard Greens) Pharsiko Munta(Pumpkin Vine Shoots) Rukh-Katahar ko Tarkaari (Green Jackfruit Curry) Aluko Achaar(Spicy Potato Salad with Sesame Seeds)  m>Dahi HaalekoKhasi ko Maasu (Goat Curry with Yogurt) Ledo Maachaa (Fish in Aromatic Gravy) Kukhuraa ko Momo (Chicken Filling) Sikarni (Saffron-Pistachio Yogurt Dish)… (mehr)
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Birthplaceof Buddha and home to stunning Himalayan peaks, Nepal is also known for itsunique cuisine and rich cultural traditions. Nepal is a landlocked country thathad little contact with the outside world for centuries, resulting in a uniqueculinary culture that was not influenced by other cuisines. After opening bordersin the 1950s, however, Nepal's cuisine evolved to take on influences from neighboringIndia, China and Tibet. Those influences, combined with Nepal's vast culturaland geographic diversity, result in a singular cuisine characterized by thesimplicity of fresh local ingredients that are artfully paired with herbs andspices. A Nepali staple is Daal-Bhaat-Tarkaari (lentil-rice-vegetable),found in many variations and flavors.  It includes boiled rice accompaniedby daal madefrom dried beans, lentils, or peas.  A variety of fresh vegetables and leafygreens round out the meal. The use of spices is mild and subtle, but mealsare often served with a side of spicy pickles. Meat, poultry, and fish areserved only occasionally, mostly during celebrations. Author Jyoti Pathak's first cookbook Tasteof Nepal won a Gourmand World Cookbook award for Best ForeignCuisine Cookbook and showcased the foods and recipes of her native Nepal to awider audience. This new cookbook brings the foods and flavors of Nepal alivewith color photographs throughout, notes about important Nepali customs,festivals and holidays, and a collection of 185 recipes that spans traditionalNepali fare to popular fusion dishes, street foods and the modern Nepali table.Also included are helpful chapters on Nepali ingredients, utensils and cookingtechniques and a glossary of Nepali-English words. Samplerecipes: Kukhura ko Chowelaa (Chicken Chowelaa) Jwaano-Bhaat (Ajowan Rice) Maas ko Khichari  (Split Urad Bean-Rice Khichari) Panchamukhi Daal (MixedFive Daal) Tinkune-roti (Flaky Roti Bread) Sitle Khaeko Raayo so Saag (Spiced Mustard Greens) Pharsiko Munta(Pumpkin Vine Shoots) Rukh-Katahar ko Tarkaari (Green Jackfruit Curry) Aluko Achaar(Spicy Potato Salad with Sesame Seeds)  m>Dahi HaalekoKhasi ko Maasu (Goat Curry with Yogurt) Ledo Maachaa (Fish in Aromatic Gravy) Kukhuraa ko Momo (Chicken Filling) Sikarni (Saffron-Pistachio Yogurt Dish)

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