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Fifth Avenue glamour girl von Renée Rosen
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Fifth Avenue glamour girl (Original 2023; 2023. Auflage)

von Renée Rosen

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815342,219 (4.33)1
Fictio Literatur Historical Fictio HTML:It??s 1938, and a young woman selling face cream out of a New York City beauty parlor is determined to prove she can have it all. Her name is Estée Lauder, and she??s about to take the world by storm, in this dazzling new novel from the USA Today bestselling author of The Social Graces and Park Avenue Summer.

In New York City, you can disappear into the crowd. At least that??s what Gloria Downing desperately hopes as she tries to reinvent herself after a devastating family scandal. She??s ready for a total life makeover and a friend she can lean on??and into her path walks a young, idealistic woman named Estée. Their chance encounter will change Gloria??s life forever.
Estée dreams of success and becoming a household name like Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubinstein, and Revlon. Before Gloria knows it, she is swept up in her new friend??s mission and while Estée rolls up her sleeves, Gloria begins to discover her own talents. After landing a job at Saks Fifth Avenue, New York??s finest luxury department store, Gloria finds her voice, which proves instrumental in opening doors for Estée??s insatiable ambitions.
But in a world unaccustomed to women with power, they??ll each have to pay the price that comes with daring to live life on
… (mehr)
Titel:Fifth Avenue glamour girl
Autoren:Renée Rosen
Info:New York : Berkley, [2023]
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Fifth Avenue Glamour Girl: A Novel von Renée Rosen (2023)

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This is an historical fiction novel where the author creates a fictional friend who tells the story of the famous real person. In this case, Gloria becomes friends with Estée Lauder before Estée revolutionizes the cosmetic industry. It was interesting to read about how Estée started her cosmetic career, her determination and drive despite the many setbacks.

I found myself liking Gloria more than Estée, which has been a problem for me in other books using this fictional friend technique. So why do authors choose to do this? Author Renee Rosen says: “The reason is two pronged. One, I absolutely love the freedom of creating characters from scratch without any restrictions on their past or future. But I also introduce the fictional element in order to tell a story we haven’t heard before. When you’re writing about a real person, many readers already know their story, and therefore, there’s no reason for me to fictionalize what’s already out there. But bringing in the fictional element, I can explore new themes and new twists while still delivering the facts about a well-known figure.”

Rosen skillfully inserts the theme of reinvention into this New York-based story. Gloria and Estée each have a past history they want to keep hidden. We know Gloria’s from the beginning, with Estée’s being revealed at the conclusion of the novel. Interestingly, makeup – which plays a large part in this story – is another tool for reinvention. Many women use it to camouflage, embellish and otherwise alter what they were born with.

This was a story of two strong and independent women who are determined to live life on their own terms and who become successful despite the restrictive time period of the 1930s and 1940s. It was especially rewarding to read about a long-time female friendship with honest ups and downs. I think this would be a great read for book club discussion. ( )
  PhyllisReads | May 30, 2023 |
I've read just about everything that Renée Rosen has written (so far, I haven't gotten the chance to read Windy City Blues, but I will!) and have loved the majority of the books. Some I have gotten as ARC-the remainder I have bought with my hard-earned cash-this is one I purchased and really looked forward to. I think that there is nothing better than fiction mixed with fact. Ms. Rosen is one of the few authors that can blend the two seamlessly, and I love it!

Some readers may be put off by this book being about a beauty tycoon, but it is more a book about living lies and eventually owning up to them. Both the narrator, Gloria Downing, and Estée Lauder are living with significant lies. It isn't easy to live a life when you don't know who to trust.

This is also a bit of a romance on both women's parts. With Estée, the romance deals with her husband. This was a bit of an odd relationship. With Gloria, her romances are a bit more fluid for the times, and you may think she never finds her true love, but she does, and it was a bit of a shock for me.

I think that this is a perfect beach read as well as a book club read. It would be fun to discuss with a group of cosmetic lovers the life and ambitions of a strong woman like Estée Lauder.

I highly recommend this book. ( )
  Cats57 | May 25, 2023 |
I knew nothing about Estee Lauder beyond a cosmetics brand before this book, but I enjoyed learning about the fascinating and dynamic woman behind the name. Most of this novel is told from the perspective of Gloria Downing, a young woman with a secret past who is befriended by the future cosmetics icon. Over the ensuing years, the two women experience the ups and downs of friendship while also managing the challenges of building a career as a woman in the 1930s and 40s. For all the secrets in Gloria's past, it took her a long time to realize that Estee might not be telling the full truth about her own. Overall, this novel made for great reading and I would highly recommend it to historical fiction fans. ( )
  wagner.sarah35 | May 13, 2023 |
Estee Lauder and Gloria Downing both came from money, but both families had lost their fortunes.

Gloria's family lost their money when her father was arrested for a Ponzi scheme.

That is when Gloria changed her name because of the stigma her name held.

Both women had to work now, but the only difference was that Estee was ambitious, and Gloria had no skills and wasn't a go getter.

Actually Gloria didn't know how to do anything - she had never worked a day in her life.

The women met while Gloria was a shampoo girl in the shop where Estee had her side shop of creams.

They worked together for a while, but Estee went her way and Gloria finally got a position as a shopgirl in Saks Fifth Avenue where she used to shop and spend her father's money.

We follow both women as they make their way on their own even though Estee was married and had a child.

It was fun joining both women and spending their days with them and learning about their lives during this era.

FIFTH AVENUE GLAMOUR GIRL is another entertaining, well-researched read by Ms. Rosen.

Fans of Ms. Rosen, cosmetic lines, this era, women succeeding, and name dropping will enjoy this book. 5/5

This book was given to me by the publisher via NetGalley for an honest review. ( )
  SilversReviews | Apr 27, 2023 |
Estée Lauder is just beginning her career. She has set up a shop inside a beauty parlor when she has a chance encounter with Gloria. This strikes up a life long friendship with dreams, successes, disappointments, fights and ambitions.

This story is told in the voice of Gloria. And she has a past she is escaping. She has changed her name but she has issues letting it all go. But with the support of Estée, Gloria comes into her own and finally leaves her past behind.

I loved Gloria and Estée. They had some epic fights. And both are stubborn and smart. This gets them through some major trials and tribulations.

Now, I did fluctuate between 4 and 5 stars on this book basically because this book is a bit monotonous in places. But, after letting it simmer in my brain for a while, I decided on 5 stars. I just love Estée and her tenacity. I knew a little about her but not enough. And I am an Estée Lauder girl. I truly want to know more!

Need a unique tale about the start of an empire…THIS IS IT! Grab your copy today.

I received this novel from the publisher for a honest review. ( )
  fredreeca | Apr 25, 2023 |
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Some would say that the whole beauty industry was conceived to deceive, designed to create an illusion.
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Fictio Literatur Historical Fictio HTML:It??s 1938, and a young woman selling face cream out of a New York City beauty parlor is determined to prove she can have it all. Her name is Estée Lauder, and she??s about to take the world by storm, in this dazzling new novel from the USA Today bestselling author of The Social Graces and Park Avenue Summer.

In New York City, you can disappear into the crowd. At least that??s what Gloria Downing desperately hopes as she tries to reinvent herself after a devastating family scandal. She??s ready for a total life makeover and a friend she can lean on??and into her path walks a young, idealistic woman named Estée. Their chance encounter will change Gloria??s life forever.
Estée dreams of success and becoming a household name like Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubinstein, and Revlon. Before Gloria knows it, she is swept up in her new friend??s mission and while Estée rolls up her sleeves, Gloria begins to discover her own talents. After landing a job at Saks Fifth Avenue, New York??s finest luxury department store, Gloria finds her voice, which proves instrumental in opening doors for Estée??s insatiable ambitions.
But in a world unaccustomed to women with power, they??ll each have to pay the price that comes with daring to live life on

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