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The Chinese Garden (Images of Asia)

von Joseph Cho Wang

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Urban refuge and large-scale work of art, the Chinese garden is both a setting for the good life and a medium for its creators artistic expression. As a place for relaxation, the garden brings elements of nature into the home's extended `living-room'. As a vehicle for personal expression, itrelies on a sophisticated language of design and literary allusion to provide the visitor with a complete cultural and sensory experience.The Chinese Garden draws on a wide range of literary and artistic sources to present the fundamentals of Chinese garden design. Illustrated with photographs showing detailed views of sites in Suzhou and Yangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, it explains the aesthetic principles and practical concerns ofthe designer. The `reading' of a Chinese garden that it offers is enriched by a greater understanding of the literary and artistic conventions involved in the gardens construction.Whether built for imperial use or for the enjoyment of a private scholar and his family, the garden is a centrepiece of classical Chinese culture. First-time visitors and long-time devotees will all find this introduction a useful companion as they experience the joys of the Chinese garden.… (mehr)
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Urban refuge and large-scale work of art, the Chinese garden is both a setting for the good life and a medium for its creators artistic expression. As a place for relaxation, the garden brings elements of nature into the home's extended `living-room'. As a vehicle for personal expression, itrelies on a sophisticated language of design and literary allusion to provide the visitor with a complete cultural and sensory experience.The Chinese Garden draws on a wide range of literary and artistic sources to present the fundamentals of Chinese garden design. Illustrated with photographs showing detailed views of sites in Suzhou and Yangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing, it explains the aesthetic principles and practical concerns ofthe designer. The `reading' of a Chinese garden that it offers is enriched by a greater understanding of the literary and artistic conventions involved in the gardens construction.Whether built for imperial use or for the enjoyment of a private scholar and his family, the garden is a centrepiece of classical Chinese culture. First-time visitors and long-time devotees will all find this introduction a useful companion as they experience the joys of the Chinese garden.

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