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Lust and Other Drugs (Mytho, #1)

von T.J. Nichols

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Reihen: Mytho (1)

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Attraction may sizzle between police officer, Jordan, and dragon shifter, Edra, but they could never trust one another. If anyone learns Jordan is a mytho sympathizer, frequenting satyr dens and using the drug Bliss, his career would be over. But when he finds himself investigating a case where two dead humans appear to have overdosed on Bliss, he fears his secrets are dangerously close to being revealed. One thing is clear. These deaths weren't an accident. As a Knight, it was Edra's job to cover up mytho crimes. Now, as Mythological Services Liaison, he must work with the police to keep his people safe. Partnered with Jordan, the pair team up to get the murderer off the streets. Yet as they follow the evidence towards a deadly man hellbent on vengeance, it becomes near impossible for them to keep up with their deceptions… or resist the magnetic connection pulsing between them.… (mehr)
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I was super taken with this concept as soon as I started reading: a world where a scientific accident caused the world of human mythology to collapse and all of the mythic creatures to appear on Earth--and suddenly more real than humans are ready for. Figuring out how these new inhabitants of the planet fit into the cultural landscape and overall ecosystem has been a challenge. And, as we all know, humans are quite often not a very empathetic, sympathetic, or inclusive species. When dragon shifter Edra finds himself working as a mytho liaison officer with Jordan, a mytho sympathizer who is struggling to move up in the department, it's not just the worlds of the humans and the mythos that collide. The two have an immediate connection that they try to deny in the name of getting their work done...but neither humans nor mythos can keep things bottled up for long... ( )
  crtsjffrsn | Aug 27, 2021 |
*Disclaimer: A copy of Lust and Other Drugs was provided for free by the author in exchange for an honest review via the MMRG Don’t Buy My Love Program.

I always find T.J. Nichols’ worlds to be fascinating and full of detail, and this one is no exception. The paranormal world has collapsed into ours, and along the way, much of what makes the races what they are has been lost. Werewolves are stuck half-shifted, the vampires have lost their beauty, and the knight has lost his sword. The struggle to adapt on both sides is complicated, and full of the racial tensions still seen in the modern world.

I really enjoyed both of the main characters and their flaws. In addition to the physical attraction, I really feel the mutual recognition they feel as they get to know each other and do their best to do what is right within the limitations of the world they live in and the jobs they hold. They both know how to play the politics game, even if they risk a lot along the way. The gender expression struggles of the MC add depth to his character. The wrap-up of the primary plot did feel like it had a skip in it, as if once the truth had been revealed there was no need to get into the details. It was a tiny bit of a let-down, but then the story did conclude with a great peek into the growing personal relationship.

On a personal note, I would have preferred the collapse was not blamed on the Hadron Collider, as anti-scientific sentiment is already far too prevelent in the world and arguably a major source of emerging and reemerging crises. This is a minor piece of the plot, and could have easily been swapped for a magical accident… or a made-up foreign government’s project… perhaps a cult’s ritual… or heck, maybe no known cause at all.
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  Stephan24 | Apr 6, 2021 |
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T.J. NicholsHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Scarlato, RobertoErzählerCo-Autoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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Mytho (1)
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Attraction may sizzle between police officer, Jordan, and dragon shifter, Edra, but they could never trust one another. If anyone learns Jordan is a mytho sympathizer, frequenting satyr dens and using the drug Bliss, his career would be over. But when he finds himself investigating a case where two dead humans appear to have overdosed on Bliss, he fears his secrets are dangerously close to being revealed. One thing is clear. These deaths weren't an accident. As a Knight, it was Edra's job to cover up mytho crimes. Now, as Mythological Services Liaison, he must work with the police to keep his people safe. Partnered with Jordan, the pair team up to get the murderer off the streets. Yet as they follow the evidence towards a deadly man hellbent on vengeance, it becomes near impossible for them to keep up with their deceptions… or resist the magnetic connection pulsing between them.

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