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The Fun Widow's Book Tour: A Novel

von Zoe Fishman

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From the author of Inheriting Edith comes a brave new novel about the intersection of art and grief after the tragic loss of her own husband in 2017. Mia used to be fun. She was the class clown; a member of the mile high club; the mom who made her sons giggle with her bad British accent and well-placed tickles. But three years after the death of her husband, there's no time for that. She's the only parent they have. Now, her memoir is out and she has to promote it. But how to sell herself when her heart is still broken? And so her three best friends-Chelsea, Rachel and George-organize her book tour in their respective hometowns. With her father Ira on deck for the boys, Mia sets off on a week-long journey to San Francisco, Chicago, and Atlanta: her hometown. Although, Mia's not just going for herself. Armed with her trademark agenda, she plans to fix her friends' lives as a means of repayment for all they've done. And reluctantly visit Judy, her new stepmother, because she has to-not because she wants to. But even the best agenda is often rendered useless by reality, and Mia realizes that the stories she's been telling herself are just that. Stories. If she can rewrite who she is now by revisiting who she was then, maybe she can reignite the flame in all of them.… (mehr)
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From the author of Inheriting Edith comes a brave new novel about the intersection of art and grief after the tragic loss of her own husband in 2017. Mia used to be fun. She was the class clown; a member of the mile high club; the mom who made her sons giggle with her bad British accent and well-placed tickles. But three years after the death of her husband, there's no time for that. She's the only parent they have. Now, her memoir is out and she has to promote it. But how to sell herself when her heart is still broken? And so her three best friends-Chelsea, Rachel and George-organize her book tour in their respective hometowns. With her father Ira on deck for the boys, Mia sets off on a week-long journey to San Francisco, Chicago, and Atlanta: her hometown. Although, Mia's not just going for herself. Armed with her trademark agenda, she plans to fix her friends' lives as a means of repayment for all they've done. And reluctantly visit Judy, her new stepmother, because she has to-not because she wants to. But even the best agenda is often rendered useless by reality, and Mia realizes that the stories she's been telling herself are just that. Stories. If she can rewrite who she is now by revisiting who she was then, maybe she can reignite the flame in all of them.

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