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Medusa's Sisters von Lauren J. A. Bear
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Medusa's Sisters (2023. Auflage)

von Lauren J. A. Bear (Autor)

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1364207,949 (4.25)1
"The end of the story is only the beginning in this vividly stunning reimagining of the myth of Medusa and the sisters who loved her, in this captivating and moving debut novel. Even before they were transformed into Gorgons, Medusa and her sisters Stheno and Euryale were unique among immortals. Curious about mortals and their lives, Medusa and her sisters entered the human world in search of a place to belong, yet quickly found themselves at the perilous center of a dangerous Olympian rivalry and learned - too late - that a god's love is a violent one. Forgotten by history and diminished by poets, the other two Gorgons have never been more than horrifying hags, damned and doomed. But they were sisters first, and their journey from seaborne origins to the outskirts of the Pantheon is a journey that rests, hidden, underneath their scales. Monsters, but not monstrous, Stheno and Euryale will step into the light for the first time to tell the story of how all three sisters lived and were changed by each other, as they struggle against the inherent conflict between sisterhood and individuality, myth and truth, vengeance and peace"--… (mehr)
Titel:Medusa's Sisters
Autoren:Lauren J. A. Bear (Autor)
Info:Ace (2023), 368 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Medusa's Sisters von Lauren J. A. Bear

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This book was absolutely beautiful and horrible and it paints the picture of WHY we need both sides to a story. Especially a story told by men and those in power. It’s a beautiful story of sisterhood and how hard it is to be honest with yourself, even if you live thousands of years. I’ll be thinking of this book for a long time to come. ( )
  ChaoticGoblin | Jan 23, 2024 |
Greek Goodness
Greek Mythology remains an enduring favorite in my literary repertoire. Whether it's the allure of its historical underpinnings or the sheer pleasure of indulging in its timeless narratives, I find myself actively seeking out at least a couple of works from this genre every year. Lauren J.A. Bear's "Medusa's Sisters" transports readers into the gripping world of Greek mythology, unveiling the haunting tale of Stheno and Euryale, the sisters of the infamous Medusa. Presented in a stunning hardcover edition, the book meticulously traces their journey from birth to Medusa's tragic end and beyond, offering a visceral narrative that delves into the often overlooked sufferings of women in these ancient tales.

While the story maintains fidelity to the source material, the stark portrayal of female struggles can be unsettling for some, warranting a cautionary check for sensitive readers. Bear's intricate storytelling craftsmanship is undeniable, yet the pacing intermittently falters, causing the narrative to lose momentum, particularly in the first half. A need for tighter editing is apparent to streamline the plot's progression.

One notable critique pertains to the blending of fantastical elements with historical realities, at times rendering the narrative more akin to a young adult fantasy than an authentic portrayal of the sisters' relationships. The historical backdrop, though evoked, lacks substantial depth, contributing to an overall impression of a less mature environment. Despite this minor flaw, "Medusa's Sisters" remains a commendable addition to the canon of Medusa's retellings, offering an engaging and thought-provoking exploration of ancient myth and female resilience.

( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Taking existing characters who are rarely named, let alone given complex interior lives, Bear tells the story of complicated, fallible, and intensely relatable women. This is a worthy addition to the canon of feminist retellings of Greek mythology.
hinzugefügt von Lemeritus | bearbeitenLocus Online, Alexandra Pierce (Nov 3, 2023)
Medusa’s Sisters, like the eponymous immortals themselves, is many things. It is a retelling of an old, old story, but one that conjures an unexpected ending from its familiar source materials. It is gorgeously crafted, with an uncommon lyricism and attention to detail. But most of all, it is simply an exceptional story of the many faces love can wear.
hinzugefügt von Lemeritus | bearbeitenBook Page, Noah Fram (Aug 1, 2023)

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It is immediately obvious that the Gorgons are not really three but one + two. The two unslain sisters were mere appendages due to custom. The real Gorgon is Medusa. -Jane Ellen Harrison, Prolegomena to the Study of Greek Religion (1908)
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I hate the number three. It is an unholy character - messy, complicated, confrontational. Small and odd and prime. It was my identity, and then it wasn't. Now I'm haunted by its prevalence -Prologue: Enter Stheno, Alone
First you must accept that monsters have families. -First Episode, Stheno
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"The end of the story is only the beginning in this vividly stunning reimagining of the myth of Medusa and the sisters who loved her, in this captivating and moving debut novel. Even before they were transformed into Gorgons, Medusa and her sisters Stheno and Euryale were unique among immortals. Curious about mortals and their lives, Medusa and her sisters entered the human world in search of a place to belong, yet quickly found themselves at the perilous center of a dangerous Olympian rivalry and learned - too late - that a god's love is a violent one. Forgotten by history and diminished by poets, the other two Gorgons have never been more than horrifying hags, damned and doomed. But they were sisters first, and their journey from seaborne origins to the outskirts of the Pantheon is a journey that rests, hidden, underneath their scales. Monsters, but not monstrous, Stheno and Euryale will step into the light for the first time to tell the story of how all three sisters lived and were changed by each other, as they struggle against the inherent conflict between sisterhood and individuality, myth and truth, vengeance and peace"--

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