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Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity…
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Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity (2023. Auflage)

von Peter Attia MD (Autor)

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7391531,920 (3.99)2
Drawing on the latest science and challenging mainstream medicine, a visionary physician and leading longevity expert presents a well-founded strategic and tactical approach to extending lifespan while also improving physical, cognitive, and emotional health.
Titel:Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity
Autoren:Peter Attia MD (Autor)
Info:Harmony (2023), Edition: First Edition, 496 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity von Peter Attia

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The thing that surprised me most about this book is how well it is read by the author - that was a pleasant surprise, as so often I wish the author did not read their own work.

Outlive is a fascinating, informative examination of how to live to maximise good health with longevity being the goal. It's quite detailed medically and yet I was often amazed how Attia managed to explain the specialised knowledge so basically.

I have to agree with the consensus below that Outlive has motivated me to live better, physiologically - and describing exercise, however little, as the most potent ingredient in longevity, jumped out at me too. ( )
  Okies | Jul 30, 2024 |
Good information but the author is just such a douche bag. I let Mckinsey, bro commentary and basic bitch references go. Unironically quoting David Brooks is where I found my line. ( )
  zomgpwnbbq | Jul 25, 2024 |
An absorbing and hard-hitting work, the author lists the shortcomings of health care as practiced currently (what he calls medicine 2.0), where interventions are made when usually symptoms are visible and the disease or condition has already advanced beyond retrieval, and then goes on to describe the alternative approach, medicine 3.0, wherein preventive action is taken from a young age and good life style choices like a good diet, exercise, and supplements. The book covers not only Type 2 diabetes, which benefits from calorie control and exercise, but also others of the 'four horsemen': heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.Being a younger person, everything he says may not appeal or apply to older people (who are probably the majority of readers attracted to this topic), and his personality is apparently fairly aggressive and even obsessive in the intensity with which he approaches things like exercise, so the less robust reader may be well advised to take the prescriptions as only suggestions. ( )
  Dilip-Kumar | Jul 19, 2024 |
"Exercise is by far the most potent longevity drug." - I can't agree more with this. So if you're someone who wants to get back on the health track, this book gives some good pointers. If you're already on a routine however, you'll get a confidence boost that you're on the right track.

Author does provide details about cholesterol consequences, glucose and insulin interaction, chemotherapy impact and alcohol effects. I did find a good number of those interesting. The book also advocates to treat sleep as an investment that'll reap benefits even in the long run.

"Focus not only on 'resume virtues' but also on 'eulogy virtues'." - quite thought provoking. ( )
  nmarun | Feb 29, 2024 |
This book is *a lot* and will probably take another pass to fully digest all of the information included. I discovered the author when he was a guest on another podcast and was intrigued. I listed to it on audiobook and will likely get a hard copy as well, so I can go back for reference. My biggest take away is that the old adage 'an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure' should really be considered when thinking about longevity and how well we feel/how healthy we are. There is not a one size fits all plan for everyone but taking accountability for your own health decisions and using as much of your health data as you can to make your own plan will likely be the best step. It's definitely got me thinking about longevity and healthcare related decisions more.
  mrsgrits | Jan 15, 2024 |
"Outlive" delves into the science behind longevity, providing valuable insights into the factors that contribute to a longer and healthier life. The narrator's engaging voice and clear delivery made it easy to absorb the wealth of information presented in the book.....

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Attia, PeterHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Gifford, BillMitwirkenderCo-Autoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
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For my patients.
And for Jill, Olivia, Reese, and Ayrton...for your patience.
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Introduction: In the dream, I'm trying to catch the falling eggs.
Chapter 1: I'll never forget the first patient whom I ever saw die.
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Drawing on the latest science and challenging mainstream medicine, a visionary physician and leading longevity expert presents a well-founded strategic and tactical approach to extending lifespan while also improving physical, cognitive, and emotional health.

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