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Hunted in the Holler: A gripping murder mystery crime thriller (A Sheriff Elven Hallie Mystery Book 3)

von Drew Strickland

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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. A man shot dead in the street. An old town hero returned. A dark secret revealed. And a hitman with a list. When an old friend from Sheriff Elven Hallie's past returns, it should be a cheerful reunion. But when the bodies start turning up, Elven has more than a few questions. Hunter Wallace is everything that Elven tries to be, but greater. Better looking, a faster draw, and most of all, isn't hated for being a Hallie. Being called out on his conflict of interest, Elven needs the help of his deputy, Madds, to help him wade through this one. But Madds hasn't been acting herself. Lack of sleep, excessive use of force, and more than a little paranoid. Madds has her own demons to deal with. Demons that come with secrets for Elven to dig up. Can he get over his suspicions of those closest to him and work the case? Or will digging get him into more trouble as the bodies continue to pile up around him? Find out in Hunted in the Holler, the third installment of the Sheriff Elven Hallie Mysteries. If you're a fan of C.J. Box's Joe Pickett, Craig Johnson's Longmire, and Jeff Carson's David Wolf, then you will be sucked into this page-turning mystery with an ending that you'll never see coming!.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vondbkitchens, bbrummett23
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Fiction. Mystery. Thriller. A man shot dead in the street. An old town hero returned. A dark secret revealed. And a hitman with a list. When an old friend from Sheriff Elven Hallie's past returns, it should be a cheerful reunion. But when the bodies start turning up, Elven has more than a few questions. Hunter Wallace is everything that Elven tries to be, but greater. Better looking, a faster draw, and most of all, isn't hated for being a Hallie. Being called out on his conflict of interest, Elven needs the help of his deputy, Madds, to help him wade through this one. But Madds hasn't been acting herself. Lack of sleep, excessive use of force, and more than a little paranoid. Madds has her own demons to deal with. Demons that come with secrets for Elven to dig up. Can he get over his suspicions of those closest to him and work the case? Or will digging get him into more trouble as the bodies continue to pile up around him? Find out in Hunted in the Holler, the third installment of the Sheriff Elven Hallie Mysteries. If you're a fan of C.J. Box's Joe Pickett, Craig Johnson's Longmire, and Jeff Carson's David Wolf, then you will be sucked into this page-turning mystery with an ending that you'll never see coming!.

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