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Six Scorched Roses (Crowns of Nyaxia, #1.5)…
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Six Scorched Roses (Crowns of Nyaxia, #1.5) (2023. Auflage)

von Carissa Broadbent

Reihen: Crowns of Nyaxia (1.5)

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2522110,093 (4.11)Keine
Six roses. Six vials of blood. Six visits to a vampire who could be her salvation... or her damnation. Lilith has been dying since the day she was born. But while she long ago came to terms with her own imminent death, the deaths of everyone she loves is an entirely different matter. As her town slowly withers in the clutches of a mysterious god-cursed illness, she takes matters into her own hands. Desperate to find a cure, Lilith strikes a bargain with the only thing the gods hate even more than her: a vampire, Vale. She offers him six roses in exchange for six vials of vampire blood--the one hope for her town's salvation. But when what begins as a simple transaction gradually becomes something more, Lilith is faced with a terrifying relization: It's dangerous to wander into the clutches of a vampire... and in a place already suffering a god's wrath, more dangerous still to fall in love with one.… (mehr)
Titel:Six Scorched Roses (Crowns of Nyaxia, #1.5)
Autoren:Carissa Broadbent
Info:Publisher Unknown, Kindle Edition, 187 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Six Scorched Roses von Carissa Broadbent

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This book is a novella but it doesn’t feel like one. I wasn’t left wanting more because it was perfect. I love Lilith and Vale so much. I’m so happy we get to see more of them in the upcoming books! :) ( )
  alester630 | Aug 1, 2024 |
Six Scorched Roses by Carissa Broadbent is a standalone novella (long novella - it’s almost 200 pages) in the Crowns of Nyaxia series. Brief overview is a human scientist goes to a nearby vampire to barter for his blood. She hopes his vampire blood can help end the plague that is ravishing her village. But, most people do not take kindly to her working with a vampire. Tropes include forbidden romance and protective/saving of the female main character.

The Lovely: I loved the characters in this book. I felt like I connected with the inquisitive (sometimes to a detriment)female main character and her relationship with the male vampire main character.

The Mundane: This was a quick paced read that fit a lot into a novella. I liked the tension, and the twist at the ending.

The Dreadful: if anything, I wanted more. More time between the two main characters and more challenges.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Recommendation: This was a solid standalone and for just shy of 200 pages I think it worked well. It definitely made me want to see the two main characters in the next book of the Nightborn duology. Based on what the author has said on social media, it is best read before book 2 of the Nightborn duology (The Ashes and the Star Cursed King). That said, I think the first book of the duology, The Serpent and the Wings of Night, provides important context. So, it would seem best to read this novella in between the two duology books. ( )
  FloofyMoose | May 11, 2023 |
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Six roses. Six vials of blood. Six visits to a vampire who could be her salvation... or her damnation. Lilith has been dying since the day she was born. But while she long ago came to terms with her own imminent death, the deaths of everyone she loves is an entirely different matter. As her town slowly withers in the clutches of a mysterious god-cursed illness, she takes matters into her own hands. Desperate to find a cure, Lilith strikes a bargain with the only thing the gods hate even more than her: a vampire, Vale. She offers him six roses in exchange for six vials of vampire blood--the one hope for her town's salvation. But when what begins as a simple transaction gradually becomes something more, Lilith is faced with a terrifying relization: It's dangerous to wander into the clutches of a vampire... and in a place already suffering a god's wrath, more dangerous still to fall in love with one.

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