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The Hike von Lucy Clarke
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The Hike (2023. Auflage)

von Lucy Clarke (Autor)

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1647172,307 (3.22)Keine
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:No help.
No cell coverage.
No one to hear them scream.

Burned-out by both her marriage and work, Liz is desperate for an escape. More than that, she craves an adventure, a total reset. So, when she plans a vacation with her three best friends, she persuades them to spend four nights camping in the stunning mountains of Norway. Following a trail that climbs through lush valleys, towering peaks, and past jewel-blue lakes, Liz is sure that the hike is just what they need.
But as they stride farther from civilization, it becomes clear that the women are not the only ones looking to lose themselves in the mountains. The wilderness hides secrets darker than they could ever have imagined, and if theyre not careful . . . not all of them will return.
… (mehr)
Titel:The Hike
Autoren:Lucy Clarke (Autor)
Info:G.P. Putnam's Sons (2023), 384 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek, Noch zu lesen
Tags:mystery thriller


The Hike von Lucy Clarke

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This book started off really well, I was engaged and excited to see which of the characters would fall into the categories of victim and villain. Then the middle of the book started to drag, and I found each hardship they faced quite predictable and almost like a checklist being ticked off of all the bad things that could happen to you on a hike. Then I guessed the twist... I was hoping that I was wrong because the twist seemed tame... unfortunately I had guessed correctly.
Overall, it was fine. I didn't dislike it, but I think I'll struggle to remember the details in a couple of months. ( )
  ChariseH | May 25, 2024 |
The Short of It:

They wanted adventure. They got it.

The Rest of It:

Liz is burned out. Her marriage isn’t what she imagined, and work? More of the same. So she plans a trip to the mountains of Norway with her three best friends. As glamorous as it sounds, it’s a strenuous hike that not all have prepared for. The physical demands leave them exhausted and then when they realize that they aren’t the only ones on the mountain, and that someone has quite a bit to hide, things suddenly take a turn. Their little adventure turns into a game of cat and mouse.

Clarke has become one of those authors that I automatically read. Her last book One of the Girls was a zippy read and the pages just turned themselves. Same here. There was just enough time on the mountain to build up the tension, just enough background story to get a feel for each character, and the story wraps up quickly. I’ve been reading these types of quick reads lately and it’s working for me.

Have you read Clarke yet? I highly recommend her. ( )
  tibobi | Dec 7, 2023 |
I always enjoy looking at the cover of a book before turning the first page. The angle of the words here suggests a climb and the image used confirms that in Lucy Clarke's newest novel, The Hike.

We're introduced to four women that been friends for years. Life has taken them down different roads, but they try to get together at least once a year. It's Liz's turn to choose where they go. They're off to Norway to hike for four idyllic days. But....uh huh, there are some buts.

Clarke does a fantastic job creating her four main characters. Their relationships are wonderfully drawn and are so believable. No perfection. And yes, you'll find some of the buts in those relationships, as each of them is harboring a secret. As the climb progresses those secrets come out - and their friendships will inexorably changed for all time.

Another but you say? What about the others at the lodge? More than one of them triggers an uncomfortable response for the women. But, they're committed to the climb and ignore their Spidey senses.

Clarke has successfully woven an exploration of friendship alongside a page turning, suspense filled plot line. I couldn't put the book down - Clarke's writing is so addictive and 'readable', if you know what I mean.

And on a side note, two of Clarke's books are on the small screen, with a third in the works. ( )
  Twink | Aug 29, 2023 |
Four friends on a hiking adventure to Norway. What could possibly go wrong? Liz is tired of their annual beach getaways and needs adventure. Maggie and Helena are not quite sure about this. Joni is touring, and hasn’t given an answer. What starts out as a fun, impromptu night at the lodge bar quickly turns dark and sinister when the hike is underway. Hold on to your backpacks!

What a destination thriller! I didn’t realize how much of a nightmare this would be for me until the beautifully graphic and yet terrifying descriptions of this mountain hike grabbed me and had my heart pumping. The unpredictable weather and short chapters add to the suspense. These friends have a lot of baggage which slowly enfolds during the 4 days. I became frustrated with friends for not sticking up for themselves against Liz’s reckless idea and know-it-all behavior. But, this just lends itself to the story. Innocent situations seem to steam roll into much bigger things. No one is what they appear to be. This book brought out a fear I never knew I had. Go ahead and go hiking, I’ll be at the beach, or swim up bar!

Another enjoyable read by Lucy Clarke. Can’t wait for the next one.

Thanks to Penguin Group/ Putnam and NetGalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion. ( )
  LoriKBoyd | Aug 23, 2023 |
Liz, Maggie, Helena and Joni are life lifelong friends. Once a year they go on a trip together. This year, Liz has chosen a dangerous mountainous hike in Norway. None of the women are seasoned trekkers and have no idea what is in store for them. Before they even start out, they learn of a young woman who disappeared on the trail a year ago….a bad omen. Is there a killer out there? Why does Liz ignore the warning about an impending storm? What secrets are they hiding from each other?

Told in multiple POVs and two timelines, this is atmospheric and, despite being set in the open air, claustrophobic. It took about half the book for me to really engage with it. Once the suspense started building, I kept reading “just one more chapter.” There are some excellent observations of life and marriage expressed. Some may find the plot predictable.

Thanks to #netgalley and #penquingroup #GPPutnumsons for the ARC ( )
  vkmarco | Jul 7, 2023 |
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:No help.
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No one to hear them scream.

Burned-out by both her marriage and work, Liz is desperate for an escape. More than that, she craves an adventure, a total reset. So, when she plans a vacation with her three best friends, she persuades them to spend four nights camping in the stunning mountains of Norway. Following a trail that climbs through lush valleys, towering peaks, and past jewel-blue lakes, Liz is sure that the hike is just what they need.
But as they stride farther from civilization, it becomes clear that the women are not the only ones looking to lose themselves in the mountains. The wilderness hides secrets darker than they could ever have imagined, and if theyre not careful . . . not all of them will return.

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