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The Third Life of Agnès Varda

von Agnès Varda

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On the iconic filmmaker's final phase as an acclaimed creator of genre-bending installationsAgnès Varda (1928-2019) explored various mediums throughout her lifetime, moving from photography to film to multimedia installation. Despite Varda's highly revered status globally, her third creative period is not widely known. The Third Life of Agnès Varda, published in conjunction with an exhibition at Silent Green in Berlin, pays homage to this underexplored period, which began in 2003 at the Venice Biennale. After this first installation, Patatutopia, Varda dove head first into the medium, producing genre-bending installations throughout her final years that engaged her poetic, abstract realism and her sensitive observations of sociopolitical issues. The Third Life of Agnès Varda features ample installation shots and texts by the artist, in addition to film stills, personal photographs and an interview between Varda and curator Philippe Pigue.… (mehr)
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On the iconic filmmaker's final phase as an acclaimed creator of genre-bending installationsAgnès Varda (1928-2019) explored various mediums throughout her lifetime, moving from photography to film to multimedia installation. Despite Varda's highly revered status globally, her third creative period is not widely known. The Third Life of Agnès Varda, published in conjunction with an exhibition at Silent Green in Berlin, pays homage to this underexplored period, which began in 2003 at the Venice Biennale. After this first installation, Patatutopia, Varda dove head first into the medium, producing genre-bending installations throughout her final years that engaged her poetic, abstract realism and her sensitive observations of sociopolitical issues. The Third Life of Agnès Varda features ample installation shots and texts by the artist, in addition to film stills, personal photographs and an interview between Varda and curator Philippe Pigue.

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