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Misfit City Vol. 1

von Kirsten "Kiwi" Smith

Reihen: Misfit City (1)

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1025275,573 (3.38)2
Smothered by her backwater hometown and frustrated by its 1980s cult-movie fame (The Gloomies...have you seen it? It's a real classic, y'know.), Wilder is pretty sure she's seen everything Cannon Cove has to offer. She's desperate to get away from home as soon as she can, and move on to bigger, better, and less annoying things... even if that might mean leaving her best friends behind. But when Wilder discovers a centuries-old pirate map, she may find out that REAL adventure was in their tiny town all along...and they need each other to get to the bottom of it! It's a rip-roaring adventure written by award-winning screenwriter Kiwi Smith (10 Things I Hate About You, Legally Blonde) and Kurt Lustgarten, and illustrated by Naomi Franquiz.… (mehr)
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nov 2023 bingo challenge: set in Oregon, graphic novel

children's/teen/adult graphic novel, rated E, series (part one)
A beautifully illustrated Goonies-inspired adventure with a diverse group of girls (different skin tones, body types and at least one queer/lesbian) set in modern day Cannon Cove, Oregon, a fictional town beset by tourist fans of "The Gloomies" pirate treasure children's adventure movie. ( )
  reader1009 | Nov 18, 2023 |
It didn’t knock my socks off, but it was cute enough. I liked the art and the setting, and the characters were diverse and likeable.
I was hoping for snappier dialogue, and it was irritating that the book ended on a cliffhanger. Still, I think fans of Lumberjanes would enjoy. ( )
  Harks | Dec 17, 2022 |
I really enjoyed these characters. Somewhere I read a review that called this a "grown-up Lumberjanes" and that feels very apt. It's interesting and fun and then ends with a bit of a cliffhanger, so I would like to try the next volume! ( )
  bookbrig | Aug 5, 2020 |
Most of the characters are likable if not super well-defined yet. The story is pretty typical treasure hunting with some character drama mixed in. Lots of women here, which is nice to see representation-wise, especially when not defined explicitly in contrast to men and patriarchal ideas of gender. That can be important but not always fun or interesting. ( )
  bobbybslax | May 16, 2020 |
This book desperately wants to be a madcap adventure filled with pirates, hidden treasure and quirky female protagonists. The adventure is mild, and the characters really don't consist of much beyond their quirks. It seems more like a book trying to get on a bandwagon (see: Lumberjanes, Ms. Marvel, etc.) rather than one trying to blaze its own path. ( )
  villemezbrown | Jul 28, 2018 |
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Smothered by her backwater hometown and frustrated by its 1980s cult-movie fame (The Gloomies...have you seen it? It's a real classic, y'know.), Wilder is pretty sure she's seen everything Cannon Cove has to offer. She's desperate to get away from home as soon as she can, and move on to bigger, better, and less annoying things... even if that might mean leaving her best friends behind. But when Wilder discovers a centuries-old pirate map, she may find out that REAL adventure was in their tiny town all along...and they need each other to get to the bottom of it! It's a rip-roaring adventure written by award-winning screenwriter Kiwi Smith (10 Things I Hate About You, Legally Blonde) and Kurt Lustgarten, and illustrated by Naomi Franquiz.

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Durchschnitt: (3.38)
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4 9
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