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Medical Surgical Nursing: An Integrated Approach

von Lois White

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MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH 3E is a comprehensive, reader friendly resource for the practical/vocational nurse. The Third Edition has been completely reinvisioned and thoroughly updated in all aspects of its coverage, with content now broken out into smaller, more manageable portions. In addition to rich coverage of all body systems with anatomy & physiology, data collection, disease information, and a strong focus on the nursing process, exciting new chapters on family processes and issues, psychobiological issues, bioterrorism and more have been added. Engaging features including case studies, critical thinking exercises, evidence-based practice boxes, informatics boxes, memory tricks, and more support learning and retention throughout the book. NCLEX style questions and Theory to Practice activities provide opportunities to test understanding and apply concepts.… (mehr)
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MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING: AN INTEGRATED APPROACH 3E is a comprehensive, reader friendly resource for the practical/vocational nurse. The Third Edition has been completely reinvisioned and thoroughly updated in all aspects of its coverage, with content now broken out into smaller, more manageable portions. In addition to rich coverage of all body systems with anatomy & physiology, data collection, disease information, and a strong focus on the nursing process, exciting new chapters on family processes and issues, psychobiological issues, bioterrorism and more have been added. Engaging features including case studies, critical thinking exercises, evidence-based practice boxes, informatics boxes, memory tricks, and more support learning and retention throughout the book. NCLEX style questions and Theory to Practice activities provide opportunities to test understanding and apply concepts.

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