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Book Design: From the Printing Basics to the Most Impressive Designs

von Shaoqiang Wang

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This publication offers a comprehensive and inspirational approach to book production and design in the broadest possible sense: from printing techniques to paper specifications, page layouts to cover design, and printing finishes to types of binding. Full of examples and tips on how to come up with the best solutions in book design while focusing on the features that make them truly engaging, it also includes an introduction to the history of books. Within these pages, you'll gain insight into the operation of a printing company to understand the key features behind the process, as the best results often come from knowledge of what can be achieved from a technical point of view. The last section showcases notable examples of contemporary book design, including detailed information and interviews with graphic designers from all over the world. More than a 'must-have' book for professionals in the field, this volume is also a 'should-have' for those who want to learn more about book design, as well as self-publishing authors and small presses. … (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonDanMacD, Alex_Mankuta, tim_rylance, krvrd
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This publication offers a comprehensive and inspirational approach to book production and design in the broadest possible sense: from printing techniques to paper specifications, page layouts to cover design, and printing finishes to types of binding. Full of examples and tips on how to come up with the best solutions in book design while focusing on the features that make them truly engaging, it also includes an introduction to the history of books. Within these pages, you'll gain insight into the operation of a printing company to understand the key features behind the process, as the best results often come from knowledge of what can be achieved from a technical point of view. The last section showcases notable examples of contemporary book design, including detailed information and interviews with graphic designers from all over the world. More than a 'must-have' book for professionals in the field, this volume is also a 'should-have' for those who want to learn more about book design, as well as self-publishing authors and small presses. 

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