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Walking in Norway (Cicerone Guide)

von Connie Roos

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This book describes 20 walking routes in the main mountain areas of Norway, ranging from the far south to the Arctic regions. Chosen because they are of particular interest to the visiting walker, all trips described are accessible by public transport. Many of the mountain areas are close to one another, making it easy to connect different routes for a fortnight's holiday. Route descriptions divided into daily segments, vary in length from a few days to a week. Fact panels provide information on level of difficulty, base, maps etc. Introductory sections to each chapter detail unique information about each region and transport to the area. Summary tables list the hourly estimates of the walking time necessary between points on a route. Route profiles provide an approximate picture of a trail's steepness, and trail maps give an instant picture of the entire route.… (mehr)
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This book describes 20 walking routes in the main mountain areas of Norway, ranging from the far south to the Arctic regions. Chosen because they are of particular interest to the visiting walker, all trips described are accessible by public transport. Many of the mountain areas are close to one another, making it easy to connect different routes for a fortnight's holiday. Route descriptions divided into daily segments, vary in length from a few days to a week. Fact panels provide information on level of difficulty, base, maps etc. Introductory sections to each chapter detail unique information about each region and transport to the area. Summary tables list the hourly estimates of the walking time necessary between points on a route. Route profiles provide an approximate picture of a trail's steepness, and trail maps give an instant picture of the entire route.

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