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Ashes of You (The Lost & Found Series) von…
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Ashes of You (The Lost & Found Series) (2024. Auflage)

von Catherine Cowles (Autor)

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Five years ago, I nearly lost everything. But there was a glimmer of hope on that darkest night. There was him--a stranger I could never forget. Now, I'm finally getting the fresh start I've longed for. But when I show up to interview for a nanny position in the small mountain town, the single dad has startlingly familiar blue eyes. Eyes that have haunted my dreams for the past five years. Lawson Hartley is everything I know I can't have. Older, handsome, and my boss. Not to mention the shadows in his eyes that tell me he has demons, too. Still, he seems to understand me better than anyone I've ever met. So gentle and careful of my scars, yet somehow making me believe I'm stronger than I ever thought possible. And when his lips touch mine, I'm lost. We find what we've been missing in each other. But the terrors of my past aren't done with me yet, and this time, Lawson might not be able to save me...… (mehr)
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This review may contain spoilers, so fair warning, upon reading the review. Also my tags may have spoilers in them so be forewarned before checking out full review.

Book Evaluation:
Plot: 🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️🎞️
World Building:🌎🌎🌎🌎🌎
Hero: 🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻🦸🏻
Intimacy Level: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Relationship Building: 💒💒💒💒💒
Heart & Feels:💞💞💞💞💞
Witty/Banter/Reaction of Laughter: 😂😂😂😂😂
Page Turner Level:📖📖📖📖📖
Overall View: ✨✨✨✨✨✨

First Impressions
Ashes of You is the last book of the “Lost & Found” series with characters hinted at for the next upcoming series. I was feeling so melancholy knowing that this would be the last of the series but also terrified that Lawson’s book wouldn’t live up to expectation because I have been madly in love with his character and his adorable boys since book one. So going into this one I was so nervous for, because its also the last book but also because Lawson and his boys are characters that deserve the best happiness after the struggles they have had. Ashes of You is the most poignant beautiful masterpieces that this author has ever created. Ashes of You is a breathtaking book that blew my mind. I didn’t know what to expect because lately single dad/nanny books just haven’t worked for me. But I can tell you this book knocked my socks off. It was tender and sweet and packed with so much deep emotion that I can guarantee that you won’t get enough of it.

First Line
Keep Moving. Keep Moving. Keep Moving.

Lawson and his brothers found Hallie lost in the woods with apparent trauma, and now its been five years. Hallie and Lawson have never forgotten each other. But Hallie is back in town, learning to cope with the trauma of being kidnapped and tortured and being the only survivor of a serial killer. When there is an opening to be the nanny for Lawson’s three sons, Lawson and Hallie find a way to make it work for all parties involved. Hallie is still struggling with anxiety and learning to accept the changes that are part of her life, while at the same time dealing with the complex family dynamics with Lawson and his sons. There is some powerful chemistry that is building between Lawson and Hallie, and their story resonates deeply. But Hallie is also discovering the strength in each of his sons and learning to connect with them and bringing them out of the shadows and into the light. As they learn to connect with each other, they become a family where they least expect it….but there is a danger unforseen that could tear their foundation apart…

What I Loved
Ashes Of You is a book that BLEW my heart and soul out of the water! Honestly, I am speechless in how I am going to be able to adequately convey this story and how well its written. This story resonated with me so deeply and FINALLY a nanny heroine I can actually love. (lately a lot of nanny romances, the heroine has been sarcastic and sassy and just very unlikeable) so it was so refreshing to have a nanny heroine that was softer and feminine and has such a kind heart. But she is so strong, and what I really was drawn to the most was the inner strength Hallie has, and it reflects so strongly in other aspects of the story. The connection that she builds with each of the sons is so captivating. They each have different journeys and distinct personalities and she responds to them in such a way that is so precious. Her patience with them is well captured and I just admired Hallie so much. Definitely one of the BEST heroines I have read in a long while. Then we have Lawson, who is a working dad but trying to get balance with his sons and building something special with Hallie. Lawson is having to learn to trust in himself again so he can trust Hallie. Its not easy for him because he was treated so poorly in the past and once everything comes to light, you have such understanding for the struggle that the hero is having to face with his feelings growing for Hallie and the connection she is building with his sons. There is such a level of respect between Lawson and Hallie that is so healthy in their relationship. In fact, it was one of my favorite aspects to this story. Respect is so vital in a relationship and loved seeing it being represented. The emotion in this book is very heartfelt. You will feel the struggle that these characters go through, but more than that you see their growth and journey together and finding different ways to heal and become more empowered in such a precious way that felt so relatable.

What I Struggled With
Nothing. LOL This book worked for me in every way.

These two CAPTURED this book perfectly! Honestly, if you love audiobooks, please do this one in Audio. You won’t regret it. They really reflected the emotion just right and built the dynamics of the relationships involved in a way that resonates on a deep level.

Overall View
Ashes Of You is a romance that will resonate deeply. Its a story of seeing the power of healing and love in a manner that will sing deeply to the heart and soul of the reader. A TRULY MAGNETIC TALE TO MELT YOU FROM HEAD TO TOE!

Favorite Quote(s)
“It’s you, Blue. You’re the one who brought me out of the ashes. It’s always been you.”

“Can’t imagine doing life without you. Not now. Hallie, you’ve ruined me. But I’d burn myself to ash over and over if it meant getting you in the end.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist, my fingers fisting in his uniform shirt. But I didn’t say anything. Whispers of apologies didn’t come close to being enough. “Need to know you’re safe. Feel you breathing.” My heart broke for this strong, beautiful man with the best heart. “I’m right here, Blue. I’m right here.”

“We all have scars. Things that we think might make us weak. But, in reality, they’re usually the source of our strength.”

“Hallie, you’re the most stunning woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. Your kindness and empathy only make you more beautiful. But your bravery? It steals my breath.”

“Your eyes. I thought I could drown in all that blue, but it would be okay because there was only goodness there. Safety. Peace.”

Book Details (also in my shelves)
Sub Genre: Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense
Character Types: Feminine Heroine, Book Boyfriend, Scarred Heroine, Single Dad, Nanny Heroine
Themes: Small Town, Tear Jerker, Kids/Teens, Danger/Suspense, Heart/Touching
Tropes: Slow Burn, Forced Proximity

Book Perspective

Relationship Conflict vs Plot Conflict
A Mix

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Recommendation For Reading Order
Yes I do think to get the most out of it to read in order, especially for this one. But you can read as a standalone if needed.

Steam/Spice Explanations

Warmin' by the fire- a medium level of sexual tension, a balance of sexual and emotional intimacy, lighter on the details in the sexual moments.

Ava Erickson, Sebastian York ( )
  addictofromance | Feb 17, 2024 |
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Five years ago, I nearly lost everything. But there was a glimmer of hope on that darkest night. There was him--a stranger I could never forget. Now, I'm finally getting the fresh start I've longed for. But when I show up to interview for a nanny position in the small mountain town, the single dad has startlingly familiar blue eyes. Eyes that have haunted my dreams for the past five years. Lawson Hartley is everything I know I can't have. Older, handsome, and my boss. Not to mention the shadows in his eyes that tell me he has demons, too. Still, he seems to understand me better than anyone I've ever met. So gentle and careful of my scars, yet somehow making me believe I'm stronger than I ever thought possible. And when his lips touch mine, I'm lost. We find what we've been missing in each other. But the terrors of my past aren't done with me yet, and this time, Lawson might not be able to save me...

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