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In a Certain Kingdom: Epic Heroes of the Rus

von Nicholas Kotar

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Giants larger than mountains, shapeshifting warrior mages, outlaws who can whistle you to death ... Welcome to the wild world of Russian epic poetry! "In a Certain Kingdom: Epic Heroes of the Rus" by Nicholas Kotar is a collection of eleven beloved Russian fairy tales translated for children, young adults, adults, and fairy tale lovers of all ages.The traditional epic heroic tales of Russia have been told and retold for centuries. They tell of a half-legendary Russia where princes and dragons, warriors and magicians coexist. But they are more than a glimpse into Russia's past. These are tales that excite and move, that give courage and resilience to anyone, no matter what your age or your background. These are rousing tales of battles won and lost, of loves succeeding over impossible odds, of ancient demons and dragons finding their match in simple men and women of unexpected strength. In this fairy tale collection, you'll find classic fairy tales featuring some of Russia's most beloved heroes and bogatyrs (famous warriors similar to the knights of the Round Table): Ilya Muromets, the giant Sviatogor, Dobrynia Nikitich the dragon-slayer, Sukhman the young warrior, and more! Russian readers have known and loved these characters for centuries. It's time for you to join them!Epic Heroes of the Rus is a collection of tales retold by Nicholas Kotar, author of the Raven Son epic fantasy series. These eleven tales comprise volume two of Nicholas Kotar's "In a Certain Kingdom" series and interweave history and folklore around the time of Prince Vladimir the Great. Filled with whimsy, humor, and adventure, they are sure to delight lovers of classic fairy tales and readers of fantasy the world over.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vontraceyrox74, MadLudwig, jlb2210
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Giants larger than mountains, shapeshifting warrior mages, outlaws who can whistle you to death ... Welcome to the wild world of Russian epic poetry! "In a Certain Kingdom: Epic Heroes of the Rus" by Nicholas Kotar is a collection of eleven beloved Russian fairy tales translated for children, young adults, adults, and fairy tale lovers of all ages.The traditional epic heroic tales of Russia have been told and retold for centuries. They tell of a half-legendary Russia where princes and dragons, warriors and magicians coexist. But they are more than a glimpse into Russia's past. These are tales that excite and move, that give courage and resilience to anyone, no matter what your age or your background. These are rousing tales of battles won and lost, of loves succeeding over impossible odds, of ancient demons and dragons finding their match in simple men and women of unexpected strength. In this fairy tale collection, you'll find classic fairy tales featuring some of Russia's most beloved heroes and bogatyrs (famous warriors similar to the knights of the Round Table): Ilya Muromets, the giant Sviatogor, Dobrynia Nikitich the dragon-slayer, Sukhman the young warrior, and more! Russian readers have known and loved these characters for centuries. It's time for you to join them!Epic Heroes of the Rus is a collection of tales retold by Nicholas Kotar, author of the Raven Son epic fantasy series. These eleven tales comprise volume two of Nicholas Kotar's "In a Certain Kingdom" series and interweave history and folklore around the time of Prince Vladimir the Great. Filled with whimsy, humor, and adventure, they are sure to delight lovers of classic fairy tales and readers of fantasy the world over.

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