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Isabella Warior Queen StorytellerUK2023…
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Isabella Warior Queen "StorytellerUK2023" (2023. Auflage)

von Michael G Kramer Omieaust. (Autor)

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This story is about an amazing couple in the 14th century, who actually had a working 'Open Marriage' suchg that Queen Isabella even tolerated King Edwards II's homosexual activities with his male 'Favourates'. Things remained that way until te current favourite of the king, caled Pier Gaveston was killed. He was replaced by Hugh le Despencer the Younger and an intense homosexual affair developed bvetween the king and his chamberlain. After a time, Hugh le Despencer the Younger moved against Isabella by reducing her income markedly as well as taking her lands and other riches from her. Things came to a head when he also took her children from her and she went to France, raising a mercenary army and invaded England. she deposed her husband and installed her son as King Edward III.… (mehr)
Titel:Isabella Warior Queen "StorytellerUK2023"
Autoren:Michael G Kramer Omieaust. (Autor)
Info:Michael G Kramer (2023), 239 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Isabella Warior Queen "StorytellerUK2023" von Michael G Kramer Omieaust.

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Isabella Warrior Queen by Michael G. Kramer is a fascinating read. The book focuses on King Edward II, Queen Isabella, their children and grandson, as well as the relationships between King Edward II’s male lovers. This book is historical fiction weaved with facts and you get an inside look into the marriage of King Edward II and Queen Isabella of France. The novel examines their open marriage and the impacts of this. We learn about the relationship between King Edward II and his male lover Pier Gaveston. Pier ended up being killed and the King moved onto a new male lover names Hugh le Despensencer. This relationship resulted in issues for the Queen. Hugh began making changes and reduced the Queen’s income and took away her children.

It was interesting to read how the Queen dealt with the changes that came with the King’s newer relationship. I thought the author did an excellent job with the character development of the Queen. Queen Isabella is a lesser-known Queen so it was interesting to learn more about her. The author writes in a way that helps us get to know Queen on an intimate level. We learn how she navigated the politics, her relationships, and power at the time. She is a strong, smart, and determined woman who was not willing to go down without a fight.

This was such an interesting read and very engaging. The writing style was good, and the author kept my attention throughout. ( )
  Mathering | Jan 2, 2024 |
This book takes you on an exciting journey through Queen Isabella's life. She's an important woman from the past, but many people don't know much about her. The author did a lot of careful research and writes in a way that's easy to enjoy, especially if you like history.

One great thing about the book is how it looks deeply into Isabella's life and her relationship with King Edward II. Instead of just telling the usual stories, the author tells us more about how they were together. It turns out they had a different kind of marriage, which was scandalous back then. This makes the history even more interesting, especially if you like reading about royal people's personal lives. ( )
  Dandade | Nov 3, 2023 |
Isabella Warrior Queen, Honestly, I felt as though I’d been transported to the 14th century whilst reading the pages and imagining the scenes that Kramer paints. Queen Isabella is the main protagonist, she’s a formidable woman who shows strength, courage, and intellect in the face of adversity. Her journey is a roller-coaster of emotions, from the arranged marriage to King Edward II at the age of 13 to the political scenes.
Isabella's transformation, is empowering, she starts off being overshadowed by the men in her life and ends up being a force to be reckoned with, and that left a lasting impression with me.
I tend to lose interested in history books that spew endless dates and uninspiring facts but this book is the complete opposite of that, telling a mesmerising story while still providing all the information. I would have learnt a lot more about history in school if the text books had been structured in this way.
I really enjoyed this novel. It was well written, with well drawn characters and the gradual revelation of the facts meant that it held my attention and I wanted to read on. Altogether this was an engrossing read. ( )
  Ssteve23 | Sep 28, 2023 |
In Isabella Warrior Queen, Michael Kramer delves into the life and reign of the iconic Princess Isabella of France, navigating the nuanced waters of historical biographical writing with aplomb. Kramer brings to life the turbulent times of Isabella, her husband King Edward II, their children, and the complex societal and personal dynamics of their era. The tale unfolds with a sense of vividness and drama that is often reserved for fictional narratives, yet it remains grounded in extensive historical research and documentation.

Kramer's narration illuminates the character of Isabella, a woman who lived in an era of profound societal complexity and change. The reader gets to know Isabella not just as a princess, but as a woman who navigates the intersecting worlds of power, politics, and personal life. The dynamics of her relationships, particularly with her husband and his male favorites, are thoughtfully explored, lending the narrative a richness of human experience that transcends the grand stage of royalty and power.

Kramer, an experienced audiobook narrator and actor, brings his considerable narrative skill to this historical biography. His clear, intense reading breathes life into the historical figures and contexts, creating a riveting experience for the reader. However, some may find the book's background details repetitive, and the handling of complex historical subjects, like the dynamics of Islamic Spain, to be lacking in nuance​1​​2​​3​.

Nonetheless, "Isabella Warrior Queen" paints a compelling portrait of a woman who was a pivotal character in world history. It chronicles her rise to power, her leadership in the reconquest of the Iberian peninsula, her instrumental role in the exploration led by Columbus, and her significant impact on the politics of her time. It also gives due attention to Isabella's personal life, including her strategic marital arrangements for her children and the tragic tale of her daughter Juana​3​.

Kramer's book, while being feminist in its approach, is not overtly so; instead, it allows the facts of Isabella's life to articulate the feminist narrative. The book flows smoothly and engages the reader, even though it deals with complex historical events and subjects. It is an enjoyable read, and while it has some shortcomings, it offers a fresh perspective on a significant figure in history.

While "Isabella Warrior Queen" is not the best book I've read this year, it is a noteworthy addition to the genre of historical biography. Michael Kramer has crafted a work that is as engaging as it is informative, offering a nuanced portrayal of a powerful woman whose influence still echoes in history today. Readers with an interest in history, particularly in the lives of influential women, will find much to appreciate in this absorbing account of Queen Isabella's life and reign. ( )
  Libertyread | Sep 26, 2023 |
Isabella Warrior Queen by Michael Kramer is certainly a well-written book filled with fascinating history. In his in-depth exploration of Queen Isabella, Kramer delves into the often-overlooked facets of her life that mark her as one of the most important and significant women of the time. This biography goes beyond the norm as the author explores the nuance of not only Isabella's life but her husband's as well. Isabella had quite an intriguing dynamic with King Edward II. They seemingly had an "open" marriage. His relationships with men outside of marriage were scandalous and set the stage for plenty of drama not only for his marriage but for the march of history. This exceptional book has extensive research, great writing, and a true sense of what life was like then. You will love this book from page one until the end. ( )
  Applepole | Sep 25, 2023 |
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This story is about an amazing couple in the 14th century, who actually had a working 'Open Marriage' suchg that Queen Isabella even tolerated King Edwards II's homosexual activities with his male 'Favourates'. Things remained that way until te current favourite of the king, caled Pier Gaveston was killed. He was replaced by Hugh le Despencer the Younger and an intense homosexual affair developed bvetween the king and his chamberlain. After a time, Hugh le Despencer the Younger moved against Isabella by reducing her income markedly as well as taking her lands and other riches from her. Things came to a head when he also took her children from her and she went to France, raising a mercenary army and invaded England. she deposed her husband and installed her son as King Edward III.

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