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One in a Million (Kate Rosetti #10)

von Gina LaManna

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Kate Rosetti is supposed to be taking the week off. After all, she's the maid of honor in her sister's wedding, and Jane Rosetti will kill her if she's too busy chasing a murderer to participate in the long-anticipated nuptials. Unfortunately, the police chief has news for Kate. When a severed hand shows up in a box at the precinct and a local jewelry store is robbed, Kate is called in to help investigate a not-quite-homicide. But with such a high-profile diamond heist combined with random body parts appearing ad nauseum, this case is unlike anything the department has seen before. Kate is up against the clock on this investigation. She's got to this situation tied up in a nice bow before her sister walks down the aisle-and before more appendages start turning up in grisly packaging. Add to that the fact that Kate's dancing on the cusp of a relationship with her not-quite-boyfriend and feeling like she's going to need to make a decision one way or another…or risk losing him forever. Can Kate make it to the wedding, commit to Alastair Gem, and catch a killer, or has she finally stacked too much onto her plate?… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonC.L.Barnett, kitschnsink55
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Kate Rosetti is supposed to be taking the week off. After all, she's the maid of honor in her sister's wedding, and Jane Rosetti will kill her if she's too busy chasing a murderer to participate in the long-anticipated nuptials. Unfortunately, the police chief has news for Kate. When a severed hand shows up in a box at the precinct and a local jewelry store is robbed, Kate is called in to help investigate a not-quite-homicide. But with such a high-profile diamond heist combined with random body parts appearing ad nauseum, this case is unlike anything the department has seen before. Kate is up against the clock on this investigation. She's got to this situation tied up in a nice bow before her sister walks down the aisle-and before more appendages start turning up in grisly packaging. Add to that the fact that Kate's dancing on the cusp of a relationship with her not-quite-boyfriend and feeling like she's going to need to make a decision one way or another…or risk losing him forever. Can Kate make it to the wedding, commit to Alastair Gem, and catch a killer, or has she finally stacked too much onto her plate?

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