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The Marriage Retreat

von Laura Elliot

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'Welcome to Serenity Falls, ' I say, forcing a smile as I guide our new guests across the courtyard and through the doors of the old house. This should be a fresh new start for the couple, but how can I help them when my own life is being torn apart? My husband Victor and I have been married for twenty-five years and we've created a successful marriage retreat business together. The tranquil hotel, with its cherry blossom trees and the sound of the waterfall in the backdrop, is the perfect setting for couples to repair their fractured relationships. My own marriage has been a shining example of honesty and trust. Or at least that's what I believed... When a police officer knocks on my door to tell me the man I loved has been killed in a tragic accident, I'm left trembling with shock. But that isn't all. An unnamed woman was by his side when Victor died, and she now lies in a coma. As my husband's secrets unravel, I discover that my whole life has been a lie. Now my future is at stake and my life is in danger. And I have to make a choice to protect myself and my family. A choice that will turn me into a liar, just like Victor.And will end in murder... What readers are saying about The Marriage Retreat: 'Holy hell... What an absolute mind-blowing thriller. I cannot put into enough words how phenomenal this was... Like nothing was as simple as it seems, there was so many possible options that I didn't even see them coming... page-turning.' @book_brilliance_xo, ????? 'EXCELLENT... kept me glued to my kindle!!!!... WOW!!!!... This book I will NOT FORGET for a long time, definitely will be telling my friends about it.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'A fantastic gripping dark thriller which had me up late reading needed to know how it was going to end... intriguing... excellent... A fantastic gripping story.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'A wild ride and one that kept me on my toes with reveal after reveal... I was gripped throughout... I encourage you to pick up if you enjoy psychological mysteries full of twists.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'I raced through this book. Gripping from the start and everything that a psychological thriller should be. Don't take my word for it, read it! You wont' be disappointed... Awesome.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'Brilliant... Will hook you from the beginning until the very end... Loved it.' Goodreads Reviewer, ?????… (mehr)
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'Welcome to Serenity Falls, ' I say, forcing a smile as I guide our new guests across the courtyard and through the doors of the old house. This should be a fresh new start for the couple, but how can I help them when my own life is being torn apart? My husband Victor and I have been married for twenty-five years and we've created a successful marriage retreat business together. The tranquil hotel, with its cherry blossom trees and the sound of the waterfall in the backdrop, is the perfect setting for couples to repair their fractured relationships. My own marriage has been a shining example of honesty and trust. Or at least that's what I believed... When a police officer knocks on my door to tell me the man I loved has been killed in a tragic accident, I'm left trembling with shock. But that isn't all. An unnamed woman was by his side when Victor died, and she now lies in a coma. As my husband's secrets unravel, I discover that my whole life has been a lie. Now my future is at stake and my life is in danger. And I have to make a choice to protect myself and my family. A choice that will turn me into a liar, just like Victor.And will end in murder... What readers are saying about The Marriage Retreat: 'Holy hell... What an absolute mind-blowing thriller. I cannot put into enough words how phenomenal this was... Like nothing was as simple as it seems, there was so many possible options that I didn't even see them coming... page-turning.' @book_brilliance_xo, ????? 'EXCELLENT... kept me glued to my kindle!!!!... WOW!!!!... This book I will NOT FORGET for a long time, definitely will be telling my friends about it.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'A fantastic gripping dark thriller which had me up late reading needed to know how it was going to end... intriguing... excellent... A fantastic gripping story.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'A wild ride and one that kept me on my toes with reveal after reveal... I was gripped throughout... I encourage you to pick up if you enjoy psychological mysteries full of twists.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'I raced through this book. Gripping from the start and everything that a psychological thriller should be. Don't take my word for it, read it! You wont' be disappointed... Awesome.' Goodreads Reviewer, ????? 'Brilliant... Will hook you from the beginning until the very end... Loved it.' Goodreads Reviewer, ?????

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