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Big Shots, Business the Dell Way: 10 Secrets of the World's Best Computer Business

von Rebecca Saunders

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Dell is the most successful computer comapny in the world leading the way in growth and profitability. Founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, the company dominates the direct selling of business and personal computers. Dell builds computers to order, at prices retailers can rarely match. In Business the Dell Way, Rebecca Saunders examines this remarkable success story and draws out the universal lesson any business can learn. Dell began with a brilliant business model - creating mass-customized computers and selling them direct to consumers. But this was not enough. The model has been supported by management excellence, the relentless pursuit of improvement and a constant flow of ideas and input from customers. In recent years Dell has maintained its market-leading position by positioning itself at the heart of the internet revolution. Business the Dell Way reveals how any manager, entrepreneur or investor can learn from the Dell story. It is at once an inspiring story of success and an invaluable source of lessons for the next generation of winners.… (mehr)
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Dell is the most successful computer comapny in the world leading the way in growth and profitability. Founded in 1984 by Michael Dell, the company dominates the direct selling of business and personal computers. Dell builds computers to order, at prices retailers can rarely match. In Business the Dell Way, Rebecca Saunders examines this remarkable success story and draws out the universal lesson any business can learn. Dell began with a brilliant business model - creating mass-customized computers and selling them direct to consumers. But this was not enough. The model has been supported by management excellence, the relentless pursuit of improvement and a constant flow of ideas and input from customers. In recent years Dell has maintained its market-leading position by positioning itself at the heart of the internet revolution. Business the Dell Way reveals how any manager, entrepreneur or investor can learn from the Dell story. It is at once an inspiring story of success and an invaluable source of lessons for the next generation of winners.

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