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NERO: Alliance Series Book One

von S.J. Tilly

Reihen: Alliance (1)

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Nero comes in through the patio door while escaping police presence, but Payton takes it in stride, more or less. This leads to a compelling romance with some humor and some darkness in a great story. ( )
  N.W.Moors | Jun 2, 2024 |
Quick mafia dark romance read. Nero is the first book in the Alliance series. The story is one of obsession, stalking, unraveling past traumas, alpha-possessive. ( )
  Beckles | Dec 30, 2023 |
Quickie Review-May Contain Spoilers, Fair Warning Upon Reading the Review

Nero is the first book in the "Alliance series" and I really had a blast with this one here. In fact, this was the type of mafia I wish that we saw much more often in the genre because these types of pairings really work for me. So Nero was such a delicious read. If you are fans of "Knight by Kristen Ashley" then I really think you will enjoy this one. It just had similar type of dynamics for the couple. And I soaked it up like a sponge. Also, this writing I could easily into so be prepared for a page-turner of a read. The sexual tension was pretty solid in this, but the execution of the sex scenes in this book were a little off. They just didn't quite fit to be honestly. Like we are talking pretty intense stuff and the heroine a virgin is completely on board and it just felt like the evolvement into those scenes could have been built up instead of suddenly there in bold flying colors (haha). However, I really couldn't get enough of this book and stayed up pretty late in the reading of this one and it definitely was worth it. So if you are looking for a book to just instantly get swept away by, then I recommend this one here. ( )
  addictofromance | Nov 7, 2023 |
Finally, a well written stalker billionaire dark romance. Did it have a clichéd and predictable plot? Yes. Did it have all the usual tropes? Yes. Was it by any means extraordinary? No. Did I still kick up my legs and scream like a mad woman at the romantic dialogues delivered by Nero? Heck yes!

Finally the most important question - Was I bored anywhere throughout the book? No. Because even though the plot was nothing original or the twists unpredictable, the writing style was engaging and I didn't find the need to skip over paragraphs to get through.

A high 3.75 stars ( )
  bellac89 | Jul 29, 2023 |
If an author is going to make the h a "heavy", "overweight" least make her character own it. Payton had serious body image issues which isn't enjoyable to read in a romance novel. I just couldn't feel the love between her and Nero at all. The book "skipped" around a lot and felt a bit disjointed at times. I was wondering if it was a first book for the author. ( )
  DebJack | Jul 28, 2023 |
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