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The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to…
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The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony (2017. Auflage)

von Lou Marinoff (Autor)

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For over 2,500 years, Lao Tzu's philosophy of Dao has helped hundreds of millions of people to attain equanimity and sustain serenity. In The Power of Dao, Lou Marinoff shows how Dao, or "the Way," can serve as a potent remedy to the stress, anxiety, and daily challenges of living in our wildly unpredictable and constantly changing world. The Power of Dao illuminates the central teachings of Lao Tzu, applying them to everyday matters facing us all in the areas of health and well-being, love and marriage, creativity and career, personal achievement and purpose. Every chapter is replete with illustrative case studies, revealing how emperors, artists, athletes, and ordinary citizens alike have accessed the power of Dao. Daoist wisdom can restore balance in precarious human relationships, promote calm when coping with illness and mortality, and empower us to be better citizens and wiser leaders. Harmonizing nature and nurture, Dao teaches us to attain our true potential, and avoid envy, greed, and anger. Beyond transforming individual lives, Dao holds out the promise of a new golden age of prosperity, peace, and cultural advancement.Americans among other Westerners have sustained growing mainstream fascination with Dao (and its sister philosophy, Buddhism) for several decades, embracing the Way not only for its inherent beauty and power, but also as a spiritual remedy for culturally-induced epidemics that are sweeping Western and Westernized cultures. Increasingly today, Westerners are turning to holistic practices that originated in China as outgrowths of Daoism: qigong, tai chi, meditation, feng shui, acupuncture, and herbal medicine, among others. The Power of Dao is a quintessential guide to personal happiness, social harmony, economic prosperity, and political balance.As enthusiastic endorsers and Amazon reviewers attest, The Power of Dao is a refreshing and timely book, written for a mainstream American audience by an ideal author and respected teacher. True to the book's subtitle-A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony-it's an inexhaustible treasure of Daoist wisdom for every conceivable challenge and tribulation of daily life.… (mehr)
Titel:The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony
Autoren:Lou Marinoff (Autor)
Info:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (2017), 282 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Power of Dao: A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony von Lou Marinoff

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The Power of Dao is a thought provoking and powerful book that helps the reader learn practical ways to work towards living a happy and harmonious life. Lao Tzu’s philosophy of Dao has helped millions of people for years and years. Following Dao principles can help reduce stress, anxiety, and everyday challenges. Dao can include things such as Tai Chi, feng shui, acupuncture, and herbal medicine. The author explains the background and foundation of Dao and talks about the importance of health. The author states how Daoist make health a priority and do not take it for granted and suggests the Western society follows suite. I love how the author tackled difficult topics such as simplicity, money doesn’t buy happiness, health issues such as obesity, and more. According to Lao Tzu the primary cause of unhappiness is false conception of self and explains a new way of thinking. I found the case studies to be very helpful in getting a better understanding and really appreciate the author including them. I definitely want to keep this book close by to read over again because there is so much practical information and tips to help live a happier and more harmonious life. ( )
  Mathering | Jan 2, 2024 |
This book is a philosopher's depiction of the teachings of Dao.
I was OK reading his descriptions and explanations of how to be happy, and how to accept things, or to make things positive, or how to achieve your dreams and not let someone take them from you. However, there were a few areas where I vehemently disagreed with the author. 1. Where he states that women are biologically manufactured to find an attractive mate so they can procreate (as if the only reason a woman exists is to make babies), and 2. This line: In the U.S., the feminist-dominated higher education system and radical left-wing media have brainwashed women, making them believe that their true happiness lies in adopting the lifestyles of men. Give me a break. His political bias was on display here. ( )
  rmarcin | Dec 21, 2023 |
In this outstanding, user-friendly guide for Westerners, Daoism teaches us, utilizing gentleness, compassion and humour, that we can live a life of serenity, providing the ego remains in check. 'The Power of Dao" A Timeless Gude to Happiness and Harmony by Lou Marinoff, differs greatly from any self-help guides you may have picked up previously.

Readers are apprised of how Daoism/Taoism can be applied to numerous aspects of one's life, taking us by the hand and explaining how suffering can be circumvented. The book contains many quotes that resonated with me but one in particular that stood out was: "Although we humans have the power to procreate life, we do not have the power to create it. Lao Tzu says: that we should not arrogate to ourselves, the authority to destroy life either."

This wonderful book provides a powerhouse of knowledge in an easy-to-read, condensed format that will both inspire and motivate you to realign your life towards a more harmonious and gentler, anxiety-free existence.

Lou Marinoff explores the philosophy behind Daoism/Taoism and does an exemplary job, using age-old wisdom to guide us as we manouvre our way through lifes pitfalls.

A highly recommended read for those of us seeking a more harmonious and joyful existence and for all lovers of philosophy.and ancient wisdom. ( )
  Th40eo | Dec 5, 2023 |
I go through phases where I read many self-help books (or self-realization philosophy books, as this one is). Often, it’s just a way for me to refocus or look at other perspectives or various aspects of my life. This book is a different, however. It doesn’t require consistent journaling or data logging. It’s one of the few books focusing on finding harmony instead of trends or outside faith (like a god). It may sound cheesy, but it is a philosophy that focuses on inner peace and how Dao can be applied to various aspects of your life rather than how you can tweak your life to improve it. It focuses on the foundation, which is nice.

I didn’t know much, or anything, about Taoism/Daoism before reading this, and it’s incredibly intriguing. Chapter 11, on discovering value, is my favorite chapter, highlighting what is valuable to you. “Anxiety is too often the price of security” is a huge quote I’ll likely carry with me for the rest of my life.

The teachings of Dao aren’t new, and Marinoff isn’t inventing the wheel here, but he is showing us how to put the wheel on a vehicle so we can get going on Life’s Highway. It’s a good and thorough review of how Dao can upgrade your life. I recommend this book, it’s a great find!
  lusa04968 | Dec 5, 2023 |
This book is all about Lao Tzu's wisdom called Dao, which has helped people for a very long time, more than 2,500 years. It tells us how Dao, also known as "the Way," can be a strong guide to finding balance and peace in our busy and always-changing world. It helps us deal with stress, anxiety, and the difficulties of modern life.

The author talks about what Lao Tzu taught and makes it easy to understand for regular people. He covers things like staying healthy, love, work, personal goals, and what gives our life meaning. He uses real stories to explain how even famous people and everyday folks have used Dao's ideas in their lives. It helps us see how these ideas can work for us too.

The book is like a chest full of wise ideas from Daoism that can help with all kinds of problems in our everyday life. Lou Marinoff knows a lot about this stuff, and this book is great to read if you want to find ways to be happy and peaceful, even when life is always changing. ( )
  DerrinZ | Nov 13, 2023 |
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For over 2,500 years, Lao Tzu's philosophy of Dao has helped hundreds of millions of people to attain equanimity and sustain serenity. In The Power of Dao, Lou Marinoff shows how Dao, or "the Way," can serve as a potent remedy to the stress, anxiety, and daily challenges of living in our wildly unpredictable and constantly changing world. The Power of Dao illuminates the central teachings of Lao Tzu, applying them to everyday matters facing us all in the areas of health and well-being, love and marriage, creativity and career, personal achievement and purpose. Every chapter is replete with illustrative case studies, revealing how emperors, artists, athletes, and ordinary citizens alike have accessed the power of Dao. Daoist wisdom can restore balance in precarious human relationships, promote calm when coping with illness and mortality, and empower us to be better citizens and wiser leaders. Harmonizing nature and nurture, Dao teaches us to attain our true potential, and avoid envy, greed, and anger. Beyond transforming individual lives, Dao holds out the promise of a new golden age of prosperity, peace, and cultural advancement.Americans among other Westerners have sustained growing mainstream fascination with Dao (and its sister philosophy, Buddhism) for several decades, embracing the Way not only for its inherent beauty and power, but also as a spiritual remedy for culturally-induced epidemics that are sweeping Western and Westernized cultures. Increasingly today, Westerners are turning to holistic practices that originated in China as outgrowths of Daoism: qigong, tai chi, meditation, feng shui, acupuncture, and herbal medicine, among others. The Power of Dao is a quintessential guide to personal happiness, social harmony, economic prosperity, and political balance.As enthusiastic endorsers and Amazon reviewers attest, The Power of Dao is a refreshing and timely book, written for a mainstream American audience by an ideal author and respected teacher. True to the book's subtitle-A Timeless Guide to Happiness and Harmony-it's an inexhaustible treasure of Daoist wisdom for every conceivable challenge and tribulation of daily life.

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