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Stay Out of the Basement (Goosebumps #2) von…
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Stay Out of the Basement (Goosebumps #2) (Original 1992; 1992. Auflage)

von R. L. Stine (Autor)

Reihen: Goosebumps (2)

MitgliederRezensionenBeliebtheitDurchschnittliche BewertungDiskussionen
2,216307,452 (3.32)8
Get Goosebumps with the startling repackage of a best selling classic. Now with bonus materials! "Dr. Brewer is doing a little plant-testing in his basement. Nothing to worry about. Harmless, really. But Margaret and Casey Brewer are worried about their father. Especially when of the plants he is growing down there. Then they notice that their father is developing plantlike tendencies. In fact, he is becoming distinctly weedy-and seedy. Is it just part of their father's ""harmless"" experiment? Or has the basement turned into another little shop of horrors?".… (mehr)
Titel:Stay Out of the Basement (Goosebumps #2)
Autoren:R. L. Stine (Autor)
Info:Scholastic (1992), 144 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


Gänsehaut (3) von R. L. Stine (1992)

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  archivomorero | Jun 27, 2022 |
Casey and his sister, Margaret, notice how weird their father, Dr. Brewer has been acting since he was fired from his job as a botanist at the local university. Their friend, Diane, tells them that one of his experiments went wrong but Dr. Brewer refused to stop it. One day, Casey sees his father eat plant food and that his blood was green – has his father turned into a plant? This book would be best for older children in 2nd through 5th grade, but it may be too immature for middle school due to how old the characters in the book are.
  SarahFromAmerica | Apr 25, 2022 |
I try to express only my most honest opinion in a spoiler-free way. If you feel anything in my review is a spoiler and is not already hidden in spoiler brackets please let me know. Thank you.

Another short but spooky story. My daughter just loves goosebumps. And I love the time we get to spend together every night when I read them to her. They are just the right amount of spookiness without giving her nightmares or keeping her up at night.

With this one, she knew a lot of what was going to happen because she had already watched the tv episode based on this book, but even so, she still enjoyed it, and tomorrow night we get to start a new one.

How I choose my rating:
1* Hated it. I had to force myself to finish it.
2** Didn't like it. I didn't hate it but not sure why I finished it other than for some closure.
3*** I liked it. I had some issues with it, but as a whole it was good. I probably won't reread ever, but there is a chance I might finish the series. (If part of one) But if not it's not a huge loss.
4**** I really liked this book. Maybe not a work of genius, but highly entertaining. I might reread this, and I will finish the series. (If part of one) I would recommend to those I know hold interest in this book's content.
5***** I loved this book. I found little to no issues with it at all. I will be rereading this and probably more than once. I will finish the series and reread it multiple times. (If part of one) I will recommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!
( )
  starslight86 | Jul 20, 2021 |
Author: R.L. Stine

Copyright date: 1992


Publisher: Scholastic Inc.

Tags: Scary

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Grade: 3rd grade and up

Rating: 4

This book was one that I enjoyed from beginning to end. Creating that sort of tension and fear that R.L. Stine did between the kids towards their father, then doubling back and talking about how it's their father they shouldn’t be afraid of him I think made for a very interesting dynamic to the story. The originality of the story was refreshing because I couldn't think of anything that I have seen or read that I could relate to this.

The best part was the ending in my opinion, I think the way it was set up for it to end with a twist that I myself hadn't thought was going to happen made it worth the read. The big idea of this story could be something related to trust. That it may be someone close to you who is acting weird and you should go ask if there is a problem and go with your gut feeling, as in the book they kept pushing until they found the answers they were looking for. ( )
  Maurice21 | Oct 24, 2019 |
#2 "Something's waiting in the dark...."
Margaret and Casey continue to worry about their father and his strange experiments on Plants he's doing in the basement. They are just harmless experiments... Right? ( )
  SumisBooks | Oct 2, 2018 |
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Get Goosebumps with the startling repackage of a best selling classic. Now with bonus materials! "Dr. Brewer is doing a little plant-testing in his basement. Nothing to worry about. Harmless, really. But Margaret and Casey Brewer are worried about their father. Especially when of the plants he is growing down there. Then they notice that their father is developing plantlike tendencies. In fact, he is becoming distinctly weedy-and seedy. Is it just part of their father's ""harmless"" experiment? Or has the basement turned into another little shop of horrors?".

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