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Intro to Archaeology & Geology Teacher Guide

von Master Books

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Teacher Guide for the 36-week, 7th-8th grade science course The vital resource for grading all assignments from the Intro to Archaeology & Geology course, which includes: Accounts of some of the richest discoveries of the Middle East that demonstrate the accuracy and historicity of the Bible Unique insights of the earth and how our current world was transformed by the great Flood. OVERVIEW: The course takes students on an exciting exploration of history and ancient cultures. They will unearth why broken pottery can tell more than gold or treasure, some of the difficulties in dating ancient artifacts, how the brilliance of ancient cultures demonstrated God's creation. Information studied includes the Hittites, Babylonians, and Egyptians, the early development of the alphabet and its impact on discovery, the numerous archaeological finds that confirm biblical history, and why the Dead Sea scrolls are considered such a vital breakthrough.… (mehr)
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Teacher Guide for the 36-week, 7th-8th grade science course The vital resource for grading all assignments from the Intro to Archaeology & Geology course, which includes: Accounts of some of the richest discoveries of the Middle East that demonstrate the accuracy and historicity of the Bible Unique insights of the earth and how our current world was transformed by the great Flood. OVERVIEW: The course takes students on an exciting exploration of history and ancient cultures. They will unearth why broken pottery can tell more than gold or treasure, some of the difficulties in dating ancient artifacts, how the brilliance of ancient cultures demonstrated God's creation. Information studied includes the Hittites, Babylonians, and Egyptians, the early development of the alphabet and its impact on discovery, the numerous archaeological finds that confirm biblical history, and why the Dead Sea scrolls are considered such a vital breakthrough.

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