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The Repair Shop: Crafts in the Barn: Skills, stories and heartwarming restorations: THE LATEST BOOK (2023)

von Elizabeth Wilhide, Jayne Dowle (Autor)

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Reihen: The Repair Shop

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The second specially photographed book from the BBC's Top Ratings Hit The Repair Shop, in which the experts explain the importance of heirloom restoration crafts. The Repair Shop - with regular viewing figures of 7 million in the UK alone - has cemented itself as a BBC classic series in the vein of Antiques Roadshow. This new book focuses on the crafts which the experts specialize in, from woodwork and ceramics to leather restoration and metalwork. Learn about heirloom crafts and the importance of restoration in an increasingly fast-paced, throwaway culture. Featuring brand new stories about never-seen-before objects, learn about the skills and techniques at the center of the workshop of dreams and hear about the many lives these experts touch. The second Repair Shop book to feature special photography in the barn itself, after the best-selling The Repair Shop: Life in the Barn.… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonDebbieC-I, Rupert_Chapman, dfmorgan
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AutorennameRolleArt des AutorsWerk?Status
Elizabeth WilhideHauptautoralle Ausgabenberechnet
Dowle, JayneAutorHauptautoralle Ausgabenbestätigt
Blades, JayVorwortHauptautoreinige Ausgabenbestätigt

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The second specially photographed book from the BBC's Top Ratings Hit The Repair Shop, in which the experts explain the importance of heirloom restoration crafts. The Repair Shop - with regular viewing figures of 7 million in the UK alone - has cemented itself as a BBC classic series in the vein of Antiques Roadshow. This new book focuses on the crafts which the experts specialize in, from woodwork and ceramics to leather restoration and metalwork. Learn about heirloom crafts and the importance of restoration in an increasingly fast-paced, throwaway culture. Featuring brand new stories about never-seen-before objects, learn about the skills and techniques at the center of the workshop of dreams and hear about the many lives these experts touch. The second Repair Shop book to feature special photography in the barn itself, after the best-selling The Repair Shop: Life in the Barn.

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