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Sunfish Edmonson County Kentucky: Oasis of Catholicism

von Simon James

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The edit and re-issue of this book is dedicated to James H. Simon, a dedicated genealogist. My sincere thanks go to him for the information he compiled before the age of computers. His work was compiled over many years of research using only 3x5 index cards, scribbled notes, and then transferred to paper on a typewriter. I can only imagine how difficult this task was to complete in 1987. Simon's research has been treasured by amateur genealogists, and used as the foundation of many family trees.This edit and re-issue of his book promotes James Simon's original stated goal for developing his book."I hope I can influence others to get going on their family tree. The longer one puts it off, the harder it will be to find answers. Every day more and more of our past is lost, either through the loss of irreplaceable records or through the deaths of the people who "lived" the information genealogists seek."Thank you James Simon...… (mehr)
Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonhilaurac

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The edit and re-issue of this book is dedicated to James H. Simon, a dedicated genealogist. My sincere thanks go to him for the information he compiled before the age of computers. His work was compiled over many years of research using only 3x5 index cards, scribbled notes, and then transferred to paper on a typewriter. I can only imagine how difficult this task was to complete in 1987. Simon's research has been treasured by amateur genealogists, and used as the foundation of many family trees.This edit and re-issue of his book promotes James Simon's original stated goal for developing his book."I hope I can influence others to get going on their family tree. The longer one puts it off, the harder it will be to find answers. Every day more and more of our past is lost, either through the loss of irreplaceable records or through the deaths of the people who "lived" the information genealogists seek."Thank you James Simon...

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