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A Curse of Scales & Feathers: An Enemies to…
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A Curse of Scales & Feathers: An Enemies to Lovers Fantasy Romance (a BRIDES OF THE DRAGON KINGS novel) (2024. Auflage)

von S.D. Huston (Autor)

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2918839,074 (4.46)Keine
She's tormented for being different. He's sick of burying his wives. When their fates are bound, can they forge a peace that entwines their hearts?Airi's unique hair and skin color bring her unrelenting grief. Scheming to flee her cruel mother, the seventeen-year-old awakens after a vicious beating to find her beloved sister enslaved over an accusation of theft. And when she trades her freedom to save her sibling, she's horrified when she's given as a tribute to a brutal Ice Dragon.The Dragon King, Kalden keeps his true form hidden from the world. Cursed to wed those not of his choosing, the immortal reluctantly accepts a new offering but throws her into a cold tower refusing to grow close to the filthy mortal. But after a scolding from his brothers, he relents and gives his unwelcome guest comfortable accommodations with a warm bath that reveals her alluring beauty.Desperate to escape, Airi befriends a kind hunchback who urges her to accept a proposal of marriage from the king as a means of avoiding slavery. And though Kalden tries to end the evil infecting his neglected kingdom, his increasing obsession with his stunning captive could end in a catastrophic heartache.With a slaver and a magical nemesis plotting their demise, can they reclaim free will and find their own forever?A Curse of Scales & Feathers is the heartwarming first standalone book in the Brides of the Dragon Kings fantasy romance series. If you like resilient heroines, slow-burn relationships, and deeply realized worlds, you'll adore S.D. Huston's flight of fancy.Buy A Curse of Scales & Feathers to let love fly free today!… (mehr)
Titel:A Curse of Scales & Feathers: An Enemies to Lovers Fantasy Romance (a BRIDES OF THE DRAGON KINGS novel)
Autoren:S.D. Huston (Autor)
Info:Literary Dawn Press LLC (2024), 510 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


A Curse of Scales & Feathers von S.D. Huston

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Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Airi's unique hair and skin color bring her unrelenting grief. Scheming to flee her cruel mother, the seventeen-year-old awakens after a vicious beating to find her beloved sister enslaved over an accusation of theft. And when she trades her freedom to save her sibling, she's horrified when she's given as a tribute to a brutal Ice Dragon.

Overall I really enjoyed this book. I love how the relationship slowly built and I loved all the little twists and turns that went along in this book. ( )
  KrystalD | Sep 5, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Overall, I really enjoyed this story. Their relationship started off rocky, but over time they learned to understand each other better. There were moments when I felt a bit confused about the plot, but I still appreciated the dynamic between the main characters. In the end, the FMC discovered her ancestry and found the peace she had been seeking. Both she and the MMC came to terms with who they were, allowing them to fully love each other. This is a good read if you enjoy fantasy stories with dragons and mythical creatures.
  osh212 | Aug 6, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Overall I enjoyed this take on a Beauty and the Beast retelling. I thought the author did a good job with the worldbuilding, I felt transported to the locations and immersed into the world with the characters. I liked the FMC, and her love for her sister. That sibling bond hits really close to home for me. There were times where I thought the pacing was a bit off, but the story was still enjoyable and I will look forward to seeing what happens through the rest of the series.
  Morgan_G | Jul 26, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
Another giveaway book finished! This was a fairly quick read, at less than 600 pages. Gives beauty and the beast vibes complete with a Curse and all. It is the first in the series and the only book out right now with the second in Kickstart and the 3rd planned for next year. Magic, enemies to lovers, dragons, fae, war, etc this has just about everything in a fantasy YA novel. I advise only reading when you know you have time, otherwise you might find yourself awake at 3 am unable to put it down. ( )
  oriocookie | Jul 14, 2024 |
Diese Rezension wurde für LibraryThing Early Reviewers geschrieben.
I received this novel through LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

S. D. Huston's "A Curse of Scales and Feathers" is a new take on the popular "Beauty and the Beast" myth. It is told from the viewpoints of both the Beauty, Airi, and the Beast, Kalden, and hits all the usual tropes of a curse, a rose, a self-sacrificing heroine and a beast who isn't the monster he appears. Both main protagonists are well delineated and likable and there is a host of enjoyable minor characters as well as more than one villain. It is quite obviously the first book in a series with set-ups for the next books but that doesn't detract from the enjoyment of a well-written, if somewhat lengthy, story. ( )
  flusteredduck | Jul 9, 2024 |
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She's tormented for being different. He's sick of burying his wives. When their fates are bound, can they forge a peace that entwines their hearts?Airi's unique hair and skin color bring her unrelenting grief. Scheming to flee her cruel mother, the seventeen-year-old awakens after a vicious beating to find her beloved sister enslaved over an accusation of theft. And when she trades her freedom to save her sibling, she's horrified when she's given as a tribute to a brutal Ice Dragon.The Dragon King, Kalden keeps his true form hidden from the world. Cursed to wed those not of his choosing, the immortal reluctantly accepts a new offering but throws her into a cold tower refusing to grow close to the filthy mortal. But after a scolding from his brothers, he relents and gives his unwelcome guest comfortable accommodations with a warm bath that reveals her alluring beauty.Desperate to escape, Airi befriends a kind hunchback who urges her to accept a proposal of marriage from the king as a means of avoiding slavery. And though Kalden tries to end the evil infecting his neglected kingdom, his increasing obsession with his stunning captive could end in a catastrophic heartache.With a slaver and a magical nemesis plotting their demise, can they reclaim free will and find their own forever?A Curse of Scales & Feathers is the heartwarming first standalone book in the Brides of the Dragon Kings fantasy romance series. If you like resilient heroines, slow-burn relationships, and deeply realized worlds, you'll adore S.D. Huston's flight of fancy.Buy A Curse of Scales & Feathers to let love fly free today!

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