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Hello Temptation

von Kelsie Hoss

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He's my new coworker with a heart of gold and looks that could kill. And me? Well, I'm so perpetually single my grandma is setting me up on dates with guys from the grocery store.By thirty, you're supposed to have a home, a dog, a boyfriend or at least a string of lovers in the past. Instead, I'm a twenty-eight-year-old virgin living with my parents to save money. My job managing an apartment complex is the one thing I'm proud of-and that's not just because a complete hottie just walked in the door.Tyler Griffen is here working on a construction project for nine months, which means we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Which I don't mind one bit if it means getting more face time with those tattooed, muscled arms and his heart melting smile.When my boss lays down a no-dating-coworkers rule, I almost laugh. Tyler and I couldn't be more opposite if we tried, but the thing is... I think he likes me. He's always helping me with my hunk-of-junk car problems, saves me from the most awful blind date, and even appeases my grandma's wish to attend my nephew's birthday party.What do you do when you're thrust from being the funny fat friend into the main character of a steamy rom com you never expected?And more importantly, how do you handle the heartbreak when he leaves?… (mehr)
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He's my new coworker with a heart of gold and looks that could kill. And me? Well, I'm so perpetually single my grandma is setting me up on dates with guys from the grocery store.By thirty, you're supposed to have a home, a dog, a boyfriend or at least a string of lovers in the past. Instead, I'm a twenty-eight-year-old virgin living with my parents to save money. My job managing an apartment complex is the one thing I'm proud of-and that's not just because a complete hottie just walked in the door.Tyler Griffen is here working on a construction project for nine months, which means we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Which I don't mind one bit if it means getting more face time with those tattooed, muscled arms and his heart melting smile.When my boss lays down a no-dating-coworkers rule, I almost laugh. Tyler and I couldn't be more opposite if we tried, but the thing is... I think he likes me. He's always helping me with my hunk-of-junk car problems, saves me from the most awful blind date, and even appeases my grandma's wish to attend my nephew's birthday party.What do you do when you're thrust from being the funny fat friend into the main character of a steamy rom com you never expected?And more importantly, how do you handle the heartbreak when he leaves?

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