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The King and Vi (Misfortunes Favorites Book…
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The King and Vi (Misfortunes Favorites Book 1) (2024. Auflage)

von Shana Galen (Autor)

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The bored and snobbish Marquess of Kingston--King to his friends--doesn't believe in witches. Granted, he was cursed by a witch when he was thirteen, but King doesn't believe in curses either. So surely it must be an aftereffect of too much drink and debauchery when, on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, the witch from his youth reappears to watch her curse on him take effect. And, whether King believes it or not, the next morning he's gone from nobleman to nobody, a man without a title or farthing to his name. It seems curses, and witches, are real after all. Violet Baker has had enough of entitled aristocrats slumming it in Seven Dials and causing trouble in her family's tavern. She has two younger brothers to support, and she can't when her establishment is destroyed by raucous young bucks. The morning after the Marquess of Kingston's brawling leaves her tavern in ruins, Violet confronts him and demands payment for the damages. But, surprisingly, King is in more trouble than she at the moment. He convinces her he'll pay if she gives him a place to hide from his creditors--only for a day or two--until he sorts out the muddle his life has become. Violet needs the money King owes and figures she can put up with anything and anyone for a couple of days. She soon realizes her mistake. King is spoiled, lazy, and reckless. His thoughtless behavior puts Vi and her brothers in danger from the neighborhood gang and its leader, Ferryman. But to her surprise, King reacts by vowing to protect her. As together they fight the mounting forces against them, Vi struggles to resist her growing feelings for King. They say a leopard can't change his spots, but can a spoiled marquess change his ways?… (mehr)
Titel:The King and Vi (Misfortunes Favorites Book 1)
Autoren:Shana Galen (Autor)
Info:Dragonblade Publishing, Inc. (2024), Edition: 1, 312 pages
Sammlungen:ARC Books Reviewed


The King and Vi (Misfortunes Favorites Book 1) von Shana Galen

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Just not feeling this story right now and the plot just doesn't intrigue me right now. Its not really working for me so I am going to pass on it right now but might revisit. ( )
  addictofromance | Feb 6, 2024 |
I received an ARC of this book to read through NetGalley, all opinions are my own. The King and Vi is the first book in Shana Galen's exciting new series Misfortunes Favourites. To celebrate his 30th birthday George Oxley, Marquess of Kingston known to his friends as King goes out drinking and gets into a fight at a public house called the Silver Unicorn, owned by Violet Baker. The fight cause a lot of damage and Violet goes to King's house to collect repayment for the damage. She arrives to find his household in an uproar, King's father, the Duke has been found guilty of treason and every one King owes money to is trying to collect before the Crown takes it all. Violet is determined to have him pay what he owes even if he has to work it off so she allows him to accompany her back to the Silver Unicorn. This book was really fun to read, witches, curses, evil villains, an exciting battle, adorable orphans and a delightful enemies to lovers story line. Steam Level: Medium Publishing Date: January 24, 2024
Publisher: Dragonblade Publishing. #NetGalley #TheKingAndVi #DragonbladePublishing #HistoricalRomance #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #booktalk #HistoricalRomanceSeries #HistoricalRomannceReader ( )
  nmgski | Jan 21, 2024 |
Once upon a time, there was George Oxley (King), Marquess of Kingston, heir to the Duke of Avebury. For all of his thirteen years, King had craved the love and attention of his father. That, however, would never happen because his father was a self-centered, uncaring, disinterested, selfish man who never gave a thought to anything other than himself. His craving for his father’s attention led him to all sorts of exploits and his friends Henry and Rory were right there with him. That is how they came to the attention of an evil witch – and how they became cursed – and how they lost everything that mattered to them when the curse kicked in on their thirtieth birthdays. Or, did they really lose the important stuff?

On King's thirtieth birthday, he and his friends had a wild celebration and ended the evening in a brawl in The Silver Unicorn, a public house in Seven Dials. The following morning, he was awakened from his stupor by a loud knocking at the door of his bed chamber – and there were other noises in the background. He learns his father has been convicted of treason; King is likely to be stripped of everything as well because his father’s blood taints him; and his creditors are stripping his townhouse of everything that isn’t nailed down – and some stuff that is. He just walks out of the house and leaves them all to it – but – he is stopped by a petite, termagant of a woman who demands he pay her for the damage to her pub. He tells her he has nothing to pay with and somehow ends up going back to the pub with her. How did that happen?

Violet Baker is a pragmatic young woman who has had to learn to be tough to survive in Seven Dials, keep her young brothers safe, and manage her public house. When those drunken sots decided to have a brawl in her place, they didn’t care if they were ruining not only her livelihood but the safety of herself and her brothers. Well, she would just take the bill directly to the mighty Marquess. She couldn’t believe he could not pay the few pounds she demanded he owed her. Humpf, she’d just watch him until he could pay it.

Goodness, I loved Violet and King together. He, who had always craved love, and she, who was afraid of love, seemed an unlikely pair. The chemistry though, is strong and you can feel it radiating off the page. Then, there is Georgie (six) and Joshua (thirteen), they are Violet’s brothers are some of the loveliest characters you’ll ever read. Violet’s jaw drops as she sees how her brothers react to King – and he to them. WOW!

This was a delightful read filled with witches, curses, traitors, loss, loyalty, triumph over evil, and a well-deserved HEA. I didn’t expect to love it because – witches – and spoiled, self-centered, entitled, lazy, rich dude – but – I did love it. Now, I can hardly wait for the next book in the series. Will it be Harry or Rory? Who will have the second clue to counteracting the curse? After all the books are done, will they be so happy they don’t care about breaking the curse? Goodness, we’ll have to wait for the next books to find out. ( )
  BarbaraRogers | Jan 13, 2024 |
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The bored and snobbish Marquess of Kingston--King to his friends--doesn't believe in witches. Granted, he was cursed by a witch when he was thirteen, but King doesn't believe in curses either. So surely it must be an aftereffect of too much drink and debauchery when, on the eve of his thirtieth birthday, the witch from his youth reappears to watch her curse on him take effect. And, whether King believes it or not, the next morning he's gone from nobleman to nobody, a man without a title or farthing to his name. It seems curses, and witches, are real after all. Violet Baker has had enough of entitled aristocrats slumming it in Seven Dials and causing trouble in her family's tavern. She has two younger brothers to support, and she can't when her establishment is destroyed by raucous young bucks. The morning after the Marquess of Kingston's brawling leaves her tavern in ruins, Violet confronts him and demands payment for the damages. But, surprisingly, King is in more trouble than she at the moment. He convinces her he'll pay if she gives him a place to hide from his creditors--only for a day or two--until he sorts out the muddle his life has become. Violet needs the money King owes and figures she can put up with anything and anyone for a couple of days. She soon realizes her mistake. King is spoiled, lazy, and reckless. His thoughtless behavior puts Vi and her brothers in danger from the neighborhood gang and its leader, Ferryman. But to her surprise, King reacts by vowing to protect her. As together they fight the mounting forces against them, Vi struggles to resist her growing feelings for King. They say a leopard can't change his spots, but can a spoiled marquess change his ways?

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