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Intermediate New Testament Greek Made Easier

von Robert K. McIver

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Do you want an Intermediate New Testament Greek textbook that: (1) Starts with those topics that will most dramatically increase your mastery of NT Greek (i.e. moods, sentences and clauses), yet allows topics to be studied in any order; (2) Provides multiple examples of every type of construction; (3) Includes exercises and answers; (4) Allows you to apply your new knowledge to passages from the New Testament selected to illustrate the grammar and syntax that you have just learned [there are questions, answers and notes that cover 41 entire chapters of the New Testament from which to choose]; (5) Includes a comprehensive coverage of grammar and syntax sufficient be able to act as a reference grammar, while at the same time indicating which are the constructions found more frequently in the New Testament? Then Intermediate New Testament Greek Made Easier is the book for you. It makes the study of Greek easier by providing ample opportunity for practice and application, and gives immediate feedback on your mastery of the concepts in each chapter. Working systematically through this book will provide you with the knowledge and skills that will allow you to translate anywhere in the Greek New Testament.… (mehr)
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Do you want an Intermediate New Testament Greek textbook that: (1) Starts with those topics that will most dramatically increase your mastery of NT Greek (i.e. moods, sentences and clauses), yet allows topics to be studied in any order; (2) Provides multiple examples of every type of construction; (3) Includes exercises and answers; (4) Allows you to apply your new knowledge to passages from the New Testament selected to illustrate the grammar and syntax that you have just learned [there are questions, answers and notes that cover 41 entire chapters of the New Testament from which to choose]; (5) Includes a comprehensive coverage of grammar and syntax sufficient be able to act as a reference grammar, while at the same time indicating which are the constructions found more frequently in the New Testament? Then Intermediate New Testament Greek Made Easier is the book for you. It makes the study of Greek easier by providing ample opportunity for practice and application, and gives immediate feedback on your mastery of the concepts in each chapter. Working systematically through this book will provide you with the knowledge and skills that will allow you to translate anywhere in the Greek New Testament.

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