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Goodnight Tokyo von Atsuhiro Yoshida
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Goodnight Tokyo (2024. Auflage)

von Atsuhiro Yoshida (Autor)

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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

A symphony of interconnected lives that offers a compelling reflection on life in modern-day metropolises at the intersection of isolation and intimacy in Yoshida's English-language debut

Set over several nights, between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m., in and around Tokyo, this mind-blowingly constructed book is an elaborate, energetic fresco of human nocturnal existence in all its mystery, an enigmatic literary mix of Agatha Christie, Teju Cole, and Heironymous Bosch.

On this journey through the labyrinthine streets and hidden corners of one of the world's most fascinating cities, everybody is searching for something, and maybe searching in the wrong places. Elements of the fantastical and the surreal abound, as they tend to do in the early pre-dawn hours of the morning, yet the settings, the human stories, and each character's search are all as real as can be.

Goodnight Tokyo offers readers a unique and intimate take on Tokyo as seen through the eyes of a large cast of colorful characters. Their lives, as disparate and as far apart as they may seem, are in fact intricately interconnected, and their fates converge against the backdrop of the city's neon-lit streets and quiet alleyways. In his English-language debut, Yoshida masterfully portrays in captivating and lyrical prose the complexities of human relationships, the mystery of human connection, and the universal quest for meaning.

… (mehr)
Titel:Goodnight Tokyo
Autoren:Atsuhiro Yoshida (Autor)
Info:Europa Editions (2024), 176 pages


Goodnight Tokyo von Atsuhiro Yoshida

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Through this book, Yoshida will transport you into his whimsical and unconventional worldview, giving you a unique perspective on reality.

The stories in this book take place between 1 am and 4:30 am over several nights. Each chapter begins precisely at 1 am. Although the stories may seem unrelated initially, they are, in fact, interconnected.

As I continued reading the series of short stories, I noticed how Yoshida likes introducing a wide array of characters who find themselves alone at night and are either searching for someone to talk to or searching for something. These characters seem to jump from place to place within each story.

And these are also the reasons why this book didn't work for me. First, some stories are weird and after reading a few, I lost interest and got bored. Second, there are too many characters with similar-sounding names that it became a chore to keep track of them.

Perhaps the best way to enjoy Goodnight Tokyo is to slow down, read it slowly, and focus on the characters’ thoughts. So if you enjoy whimsical short stories, you may want to add this book to your TBR. ( )
  nadia.masood | Jul 21, 2024 |
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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

A symphony of interconnected lives that offers a compelling reflection on life in modern-day metropolises at the intersection of isolation and intimacy in Yoshida's English-language debut

Set over several nights, between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 4:30 a.m., in and around Tokyo, this mind-blowingly constructed book is an elaborate, energetic fresco of human nocturnal existence in all its mystery, an enigmatic literary mix of Agatha Christie, Teju Cole, and Heironymous Bosch.

On this journey through the labyrinthine streets and hidden corners of one of the world's most fascinating cities, everybody is searching for something, and maybe searching in the wrong places. Elements of the fantastical and the surreal abound, as they tend to do in the early pre-dawn hours of the morning, yet the settings, the human stories, and each character's search are all as real as can be.

Goodnight Tokyo offers readers a unique and intimate take on Tokyo as seen through the eyes of a large cast of colorful characters. Their lives, as disparate and as far apart as they may seem, are in fact intricately interconnected, and their fates converge against the backdrop of the city's neon-lit streets and quiet alleyways. In his English-language debut, Yoshida masterfully portrays in captivating and lyrical prose the complexities of human relationships, the mystery of human connection, and the universal quest for meaning.


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