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The Witches of Scotland: The Dream Dancers:…
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The Witches of Scotland: The Dream Dancers: Akashic Chronicles Book 7 (2023. Auflage)

von Steven P Aitchison (Autor)

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"It's one thing to read about witches, it's another thing to discover you are one. The epic saga continues... With the sinister plans of Alicia Collins threatening the fate of humanity, Genevieve Hunter races against time to thwart catastrophe. As a climactic confrontation on Level Seven looms, the witches must unlock their full potential and unite. Meanwhile, at the Magick Academy, David and Jessica's lessons take an expected turn when they encounter the enigmatic Aleister Crowly. Through profound teachings, their understanding of energy and power is transformed. But darkness encroaches, even in these mystical realms. From the streets of Alexandria to the forests surrounding the Academy, David and Jessica are catapulted into a journey that will push their abilities to the limit. Choices will be made that echo through the ages. The battle for the light has begun."--… (mehr)
Titel:The Witches of Scotland: The Dream Dancers: Akashic Chronicles Book 7
Autoren:Steven P Aitchison (Autor)
Info:CYT Media LTD (2023), 202 pages
Sammlungen:Deine Bibliothek


The Witches of Scotland: The Dream Dancers: Akashic Chronicles Book 7 von Steven P Aitchison

Kürzlich hinzugefügt vonHamptonCommunity, MacStephen

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"It's one thing to read about witches, it's another thing to discover you are one. The epic saga continues... With the sinister plans of Alicia Collins threatening the fate of humanity, Genevieve Hunter races against time to thwart catastrophe. As a climactic confrontation on Level Seven looms, the witches must unlock their full potential and unite. Meanwhile, at the Magick Academy, David and Jessica's lessons take an expected turn when they encounter the enigmatic Aleister Crowly. Through profound teachings, their understanding of energy and power is transformed. But darkness encroaches, even in these mystical realms. From the streets of Alexandria to the forests surrounding the Academy, David and Jessica are catapulted into a journey that will push their abilities to the limit. Choices will be made that echo through the ages. The battle for the light has begun."--

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