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Open Church: Invitation to a Messianic Lifestyle

von Jurgen Moltmann

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His main contention is that we need a much greater emphasis on the place of the congregation in church life and worship. The church should be of rather than for the people; its true life coming from below' rather than from above' through bishop. priest, pastor or theologian. The local church must be a caring, accepting, open community, encouraging full participation by its people in every part of its worship. A short notice cannot do justice to this stimulating and thought-provoking book, which should be read by anyone concerned to see some way of breaking through what Moltmann sees as the lapse of modern society âe" including the church âe" into apathy' (Expository Times). 'I would like to see The Open Church used as a basis for discussions in parish and student groups. Clearly and simply written and yet with deep biblical insights, it could do much to help us to see the shortcomings of our congregational life and also to appreciate the immense riches which are already to be found there' (The Bishop of Manchester in The Christian Statesman).… (mehr)
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His main contention is that we need a much greater emphasis on the place of the congregation in church life and worship. The church should be of rather than for the people; its true life coming from below' rather than from above' through bishop. priest, pastor or theologian. The local church must be a caring, accepting, open community, encouraging full participation by its people in every part of its worship. A short notice cannot do justice to this stimulating and thought-provoking book, which should be read by anyone concerned to see some way of breaking through what Moltmann sees as the lapse of modern society âe" including the church âe" into apathy' (Expository Times). 'I would like to see The Open Church used as a basis for discussions in parish and student groups. Clearly and simply written and yet with deep biblical insights, it could do much to help us to see the shortcomings of our congregational life and also to appreciate the immense riches which are already to be found there' (The Bishop of Manchester in The Christian Statesman).

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